On Thursday and Friday the 23rd and 24th of November, 36 Year 9 students recently participated in two days of training with the wellbeing team to become our Peer Support leaders for 2024.
They learnt skills about how to be a good listener, about different types of leadership style, conflict management and problem-solving skills.
They also run through the Peer Support Program they will be doing with the new year 7’s next year in term one.
The Peer Supporters will be involved in the Grade 6 Orientation days this year and will continue building supportive connections with our in-coming Year 7s through Transition classes at the start of each day for term 1 and term 2 2024.
Our new Peer Support leaders can be very proud of the way they have participated in the training event and we look forward to introducing them to the grade 6 students next week at the first day of orientation.