Student Voice

Students influencing learning.

Year 4 Camp


Last week the Year 4 students, teachers, and parent volunteers, set off on their much-anticipated camp at Alexandra Adventure Resort! They all had the opportunity to participate in a range of outdoor and team building activities, including archery, gaga ball, raft building, low and high rope course as well as a climbing wall, a giant swing, and a zip over the lake on the flying fox! The food was amazing, and the evenings provided a highly entertaining Talent Show on day one, soccer, art or board games on the second day! On the final morning we were treated to a wonderful wildlife show with an array of Australian animals, from a baby crocodile to a small, soft and sleepy bettong. 


 The Respect, Resilience, Persistence, Confidence, and Independence shown was remarkable! We are so proud of each and every camper - What an experience!  

But don’t take our word for it – this is what Year 4 students had to say… 


“The high ropes and giant swing were the most enjoyable because I love going high in the air and it was fun to fall back down.” Adelphe 4K 


“The activities were the most enjoyable part of the camp. I think this because I have never experienced something like this in my life.” 

Ryan 4K 


“I learnt to not be afraid of things like the giant swing if others can do it, I can.” 

Natalie 4K 


“The flying fox was the most enjoyable thing about camp as I learnt how to use a harness.” Oliver 4K 


“The activities were the best ever.” 

Charlotte, 4K 


“What I learnt from camp – Just do it, you might not get a second chance.” 

Ben, 4K 


“The most enjoyable part was the talent show because it was entertaining and fun.” Noosh, 4K 


“I fell that camp is a fun amazing experience which boosts your teamwork as well as your independence, and if I could, I would 100% go on another camp. From going on grade 4 camp, I have learnt that if I am feeling homesick, instead of keeping it all to myself and feeling upset, I can open up to anyone, and they will always understand me.”  

Isla, 4T 


“Now that I've gone to camp, I want to go to a million more! Camp is so fun and exciting. The experience was amazing! I would absolutely love to go on another school camp. Grades 5 & 6 camp will be great! I have learnt that sleeping with others is just part of the experience and is also a challenge to overcome. I believe that I have grown mentally because I've learnt so much and done so many new things.” 

Jasmine, 4T 


“I have learnt that I am good at setting things up and organising them. I have grown in a way that I know I can take care of myself.” 

Ross, 4T 

Taha, 4K
Oliver, 4K
Noosh, 4K
Natalie, 4K
Jasmine, 4T
Isla, 4T
Ross, 4T
Femi, 4K
Evelyn C, 4K
Emma, 4K
Dan, 4K
Chloe, 4K
Adelphe, 4K
Abi W, 4K
Ryan, 4K
Ged, 4K
Taha, 4K
Oliver, 4K
Noosh, 4K
Natalie, 4K
Jasmine, 4T
Isla, 4T
Ross, 4T
Femi, 4K
Evelyn C, 4K
Emma, 4K
Dan, 4K
Chloe, 4K
Adelphe, 4K
Abi W, 4K
Ryan, 4K
Ged, 4K

Year 5 The Cubic Metre Challenge!

Year 5 have been learning about how to calculate the volume of 3D objects. To get a true understanding of the size of a cubic metre the year 5s made a cubic meter in maths. This has helped the students in understanding what objects would be measured using cubic metres, compared to measuring objects using cubic centimetres. The most important aspect to making the cubic metre was teamwork. 5SB created a list of what great teamwork looks like:

  • Motivational words.
  • People helping each other.
  • Listening.
  • Taking turns.
  • Everyone contributing.
  • Share resources.
  • Share ideas.
  • Plan.

Once teamwork expectations were set the teams of 8 were ready to make their cubic metre.

First each team had a team meeting and made a plan. Then the construction began! One team was successful in making a cubic metre that stood all by itself! The other 2 teams successfully created a cubic meter but they needed to hold it up. 


Such an awesome hands-on learning experience involving; maths, teamwork, design, creative and critical thinking!

Year 3  Book Reviews

This week in Year 3 we have been writing book reviews! We chose a favourite book, wrote a summary of the story and then wrote a review, focussing on justifying our opinions and using persuasive language.These reviews might inspire others to try a book they might not have thought to try. 

Student Voice & Student Agency

Four Year 3 students wrote to Banyule Council requesting to make a change to our neighbourhood. Here is their letter as well as the response they received from the council.

Congratulations to Sienna, Stella, Zoe and Isis for using their initiative, and achieving this great outcome.

Italian Poetry Competition  


On 22nd of November, five grade 5’s and five grade 6's were getting ready to perform at Thornbury High School, to recite an Italian poem. First, we arrived, and saw two other schools; Wales Street Primary and Preston Primary.  


We then individually recited to our judges. Then waiting anxiously for the results on who’s going to the finals. The teacher Mr Tosi (language arts teacher at Thornbury). 

Today’s Thornbury High Poetry Competition winners are:

Daniel R 6K: 2nd Prize

Diva A 5L: 3rd Prize


Announced the finalist who from our school was Diva (5L) and Daniel(6K). Soon we enjoyed having fun with friends while having some pizza when it was all done.  

We all went to the auditorium for the results, Daniel (6k) won 2nd and Diva won 3rd. 


Congrats to everyone who participated in the poetry comp, and thanks to Mrs. Harrington for helping us.  


 By Jina(6K) and Jazzy (6HB) 


*More photos and words on the Italian Page of this newsletter.

***By the way


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Please read the IPS FAIR Page!