
Summer Strings Celebration Concert - 28th November, 2023

Corelli Strings perform in assembly

The Corelli Strings gave a fun performance of “Chicken in the Kitchen” and a spooky performance of “Abandoned Funhouse” at assembly on Monday. It is wonderful to see the focus and the togetherness that playing in a group brings out amongst the students. It was a very pleasant surprise when children I don’t yet know came up to me in the playground to tell me that they enjoyed the performance in assembly. How lucky we are to be in this supportive community!

IPS students achieve in instrumental exams

Getting ready for an instrumental exam involves months of preparation and much persistence. Taking on this considerable challenge really pushes skills to new heights. In assembly this Monday we acknowledged all the IPS children who have made this special effort this year. At IPS we had 16 children do an exam this term and certificates were presented at assembly.

Summer Strings Celebration Concert next week

Tuesday 28th November, 2023


IPS Hall

Start Up Strings, Corelli Strings and Orchestra will perform

Start Up Strings wear free dress

Corelli Strings and Orchestra wear white on the top and black on the bottom


Bring a plate to share for supper

Entry by donation


Thank you to Maddie (4T) and Annelies for the beautiful flyer

IPS children’s pictures accompany orchestral film music concert

On Sunday 19th Nov at the Preston Symphony Orchestra’s film music concert, during the playing of themes from “Jurassic Park” and “Pirates of the Caribbean”, wonderful pictures created by some IPS students were projected. Many thanks to Chloe (FS), Jasmine (3H), Tennyson (3O), Grace (3M), Zoe (3H), Oscar (3J), Ashley (3J), Arthur (3O), Charlie (4T), Daniel (5SB) and Hamish (5L) for creating a great variety of interesting and expressive pictures. 


From Margaret and the Strings team