IRC News

Literature Circle Book Club
Nossal’s Literature Circle Book Club members gathered for the final meeting of 2023 in the IRC on Friday 24 November, to discuss their reading experiences and celebrate the ongoing success of the club. Students from all year levels enthusiastically participated in the book discussion and shared some refreshments as well with teachers.
Kuhu Sharma, who was a member of the Literature Circle Book Club since Year 9, participated for the last time and was presented with a special certificate for being an honoured member of the club for the past four years and a library leader for two years. She has always been punctual, enthusiastic, and well prepared for participation in the Book discussion.
We are saddened to say goodbye to Kuhu, as well as all the other departing Year 12s. They will be missed deeply by Literature Circle Book Club members, and we wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
We highly encourage all students to join the Literature Circle Book Club in the new year. Joining this club will give you an opportunity to collaborate with others, share your thoughts on reading experiences and broaden your knowledge through literature.
I would like to thank all the members of Literature Circle Book Club as well as English Domain teachers, especially Ms Lee-Ack, Ms Nieva and Ms Guruparan for their support in running the club.
Kalpana Lal
IRC Manager