Principal's Report

Principal's Message
2024 Classes
Class Lists and Teacher Allocations
The announcement of classes and teachers has been delayed due to a continued influx of enrolments to Boambee Public School.
To ensure that we can have as much information as possible we will need to wait until the end of this week (Dec 8) to announce classes. Apologies for this delay, but is great to see so many new enrolments and such a large kindergarten cohort.
Thank you to all of our staff for their efforts last week, it was a huge effort and required everyone to be flexible, patient and thoughtful. Well done Mrs Sciortino for your coordination and delivery of a great event for Boambee Public School. Thank you to Mr Doyle for the many hours (in the middle of a million other tasks) supporting Mrs Sciortino and the tech students with the tech for the event. Thank you to Mrs Grumley who gave many hours supporting in the lead up, and during the performances.
I know there are many many more staff who gave so much last week but I needed to mention these three people in particular. The result of this performance is that our students had a fantastic learning opportunity, much joy and a sense of purpose and belonging.
Boambee Public School Student Representative Council (SRC)
Our Student Representative Council has been finalised for 2024. Along with the election of our school captains and house captains, each of our 11 clubs have named their nominated SRC representatives for 2024. This means that we have 35 students who make up the SRC, each team delivering a report to the SRC in weekly meetings with Mr Moore and I. Some of these wonderful students will experience 3 years of leadership in the SRC.
A big thank you to the students in Year 6 who are leaving the SRC next year and heading off to high school - you have been wonderful leaders and have continued to model and improve leadership at Boambee Public School.
Our Student Representative Council for 2024 is:
School Captains:
Summer Barden
Isabelle Bathgate
Bronte Nightingale
Sebastian Wiseman
Thomas Edmonds
Attila Sullivan
House Captains:
Yugirr - Mia Luck and Mase Feltrin
Gaagum - Jack Wales and Mahli Plummer
Muluny - Mikkila Eggins and Archer Lee
Wirriga - Harper Morison and Abel McKay
Club Representatives
Te’ella Kelly (Deadly Gamambi)
Payton Bull (Deadly Gamambi)
Isla Williams (CAPA)
Freya Doyle (CAPA)
Leo Bingle (Citizenship)
Ava Gee (Citizenship)
Ezra Keipert (Environment)
Gabby Simpson (Environment)
Josh Keipert (Garden)
Elizabeth Wood (Garden)
Joel Vaiciurgis (Tech)
Bodhi Heather (Tech)
Harper Morison (Passive Play)
Layla Morley (Passive Play)
Aurora Alam (Reading)
Harla Gittoes (Reading)
Ivy O’Sullivan (Wellbeing)
Coco Baechtold (Wellbeing)
Ebony Forsythe (Wellbeing)
Mikkila Eggins (Signing)
Te’ella Kelly (Signing)
Year 6 Mountain Bike Riding - Cows With Guns!
On Friday Dec 1, our Year 6 riders hit the trails at "Cows With Guns" mountain bike track. Lots of fun, and only three dirt naps! Special thanks to Mr Pike and Mr Moore for making this happen, without these amazing staff opportunities like this would not exist. Also - special thanks to Rebecca Adams and the Vaiciurgis family for helping us make the day happen.
Therapy Dog Visit to Kindy
Last Friday our kindergarten classes enjoyed a special visit from 'Deliah' the therapy dog.
The primary role of a Therapy dog for a facility is to provide companionship and emotional support on a broader scale to appropriate facilities, such as schools, nursing homes, psychologists, counsellors, and rehabilitation clinics.
Our Kindy students absolutely loved having this very special opportunity, giving our students a sense of calm and joy.
Student Arrival Times
There have been a number of students arriving at school prior to 8 o'clock in the morning. Student supervision begins at 8:25 when teachers begin duty. Student should not be arriving at school before 8 am. Please do not place the school in a position where we are responsible for the safety of your children before staff are expected to be on site.
Roofing Plans for Week
5M's roof will start today, gutters around the school will also be worked on. 5M will work out of the library and the demounatable next to the library for this week.
Presentation Day
The school presentation day is on Thursday December 7, starting at 9:30 am in the school hall. We look forward to seeing you there.
Principal Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Principal Award at Friday's assembly:
Catch ups:
Arlo Hopwood - 2/3RM
A positive attitude and improved confidence.
Charlie Baldwin - 3P
For being such a respectful student.
Freddie Graves - KH
Freddie consistently strives to give his best efforts across all key learning areas.
Week 7/8
Feder van Aggelen - 2/3RM
Achieving his learning goals in writing.
Heidi Stone - 1D
Heidi is always polite, respectful and keen to learn.
Jack Baldwin - 2H
Outstanding effort, determination and growth in his school attendance.
Braxton Gregory - 5B
For his effort and achievement in learning this year.
Cooper Phemister - 5B
For his perseverance and growth in learning this year.
Ariya Devir - KT
Becoming a resilient learner.
Tristen Cook - 3P
Applying a resilient attitude towards challenges.
Alistair Kafer - 2H
Working hard to improve his writing.
Letty Murray - 2H
Showing compassion and kindness to others.
Eli Heather - 2H
Applying a persistent attitude to all learning tasks.
Emily Donovan - 5M
Showing leadership qualities and being a kind person.
Kennedy Lane - 6G
Outstanding leadership during the 'Morning Movement' program.
Harper Morison - 5M
A positive role model and wonderful Boambee School Citizen.
Sienna Backhouse - 2B
Outstanding resilience and achievement in Creative Arts and the Musical.
Nate Stead - 2B
Outstanding determination and growth in writing.
All of the following awards are for: Outstanding commitment to Home Learning through all of 2023
Elsa Millhouse - 4S
Seb Armstrong - 4S
Joel Vaiciurgis - 4S
Lewis Myers - 4S
Ivy O'Sullivan - 4S
Sofia Osterloh - 4S
Layla Morley - 4S
Payton Bull - 4S
Logan Burke - 4S
Aurora Alam - 4S
Charlotte Hanlon - 4S
The following awards are for: Outstanding contributions to the school musical.
Amaya Seager - 6G
Ella Hawkins - 6G
Lucas Saunders - 6D
Thomas Edmonds - 5M
Cooper Francis - 6D
Shelley Richards - 6D
Jude Maunder - 6D
Chelsea White - 6G
Quincy Barrow - 6G
Chisel Hudson - 6G
Pippa Robertson - 6G
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.