Secondary Sub School Rooms 19 - 27

Ashley Stace

(Acting Secondary Subschool Leader) 

Hi everyone,

We are winding down to transition week, so a lot of classes have been participating in end of year excursions. It is always a busy time of year filled with mixed emotions.

Talking about emotions, we had our Year 12 graduation at The Meadows. It was a fantastic night that left parents, students and staff feeling proud with a tinge of sadness as we prepare to say goodbye.

In the past fortnight we have also had our Secondary Awards. We held the awards in two groups of classes. It was the best, seeing students cheering and congratulating all their peers. 

Class lists were sent out last Friday. These will be accompanied by a social story being sent home this week. Change is often a difficult thing to process. Please feel free to call me if you have any queries. 

Have a look at some photos from the past fortnight.

Kind regards, 

Ash Stace.

Room 19


Room 19 has had a lot of fun in Term 4. The boys really kicked goals and made huge improvements over the whole year. Room 19 performed the Macarena for the school production, which they loved rehearsing. This term we had 2 very successful excursions as a class. We had fun creating a shopping list and shopping at the local milk bar. We also enjoyed a lovely walk to a park and took turns using the equipment. It is sad that it has come to the end of the year and our time together as Room 19, but I wish all the boys all the luck for next year!