Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill



We are very nearly heading into Transition Week- what an exciting time! I’m sure there have been lots of conversations swirling, lots of impromptu catch ups with new staff, potential new peers and pit stops at new classrooms over the last few weeks, in preparation for what is going to be a few weeks of significant change. Social stories have been in operation, read daily to support students to have a successful transition into their 2024 classrooms.0

As always, whether your students and transitioning into or out of Middle, the classroom staff are here to support as needed. Please ensure you communicate any needs via the communication book and we are more than happy to reach out and ease any worries you may have.


Year 6 Graduation

What a night. To say we are proud is an understatement. Thank you to all that attended. We hope you enjoyed celebrating students as much as we did.


Colour Run

During Transition Week students are going to be immersed in a whole new sensory experience- the Colour Run! Sub schools will be participating in small groups to experience all that is being all the colours of the rainbow! 



As we approach the end of the year, the sun is shining earlier, and blessing us with wonderful Vitamin D. Please ensure your child is sent to school with a hat, sunscreen and sunglasses if needed.



Thank you for your attendance during SSG’s that wrapped up this week. We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to pass on any key pieces of information heading into 2024, and of course celebrated all that has been accomplished this year.


Looking ahead to 2024, there will of course be an opportunity for you to discuss future goals with your child’s 2024 teacher, and pass on any relevant information. As part of the handover process, the classroom team will participate in a comprehensive handover to ensure the 2024 team is aware of all that makes your child smile from ear to ear!