Local Artist looking for Box Hill Stories...

Local Artists looking for more Box Hill stories to include in 2024 Heritage Week Exhibition. Wilhelm Philipp is a local photographer and artist born and bred in Box Hill. Philipp's work documents and immortalise his subjects and the landscapes that surround them, placing emphasis on the Australian suburban identity that is often overlooked and forgotten.
For the last 5 years, he has been chasing the alluring light of Box Hill, documenting the streets of his hometown almost daily, seeking to share the stories and faces of the diverse community and residents of the area.
This project will be released as a self-published phonebook and be showcased as the feature exhibition during 2024 Heritage Week at Box Hill Town Hall.
Wilhelm is looking for more stories and faces, homes, businesses, sporting clubs, etc. to photograph, if you or someone you know is interested in being involved in this body of work please reach out. Whether you have lived in the area for decades or just recently moved here, Wilhelm is looking for faces of all kinds, there is no criteria to apply.
To read more about the project, view some of the images and get in contact please check out his website https://www.wilhelmphilipp.com/box-hill
You can alternatively get in touch with Wilhelm via email at: will.j.philipp@gmail.com