2023 Victorian Champion

Chinese Writing and Speaking Competition
2023 Victoria Chinese Writing and Speaking Competition for background students was held on third of November at the University of Melbourne. We had four public speaking finalists representing Box Hill High School to compete with Year 10 to Year 12 students from across all Victoria. Peifan G, Zoe W, Max X and Ada J delivered fabulous speeches on different topics in front of the panel of university professors and an audience of their peers and parents from 28 high schools across Victoria.
Congratulations to Year 10 Max X, the Champion of this competition! He delivered a speech called “Flowers bloom don’t have to be in Spring”, which was full of passionate and excellence in voice and affection. We are all proud of our wonderful community, also thanks to the parents, teachers and friends support on the Friday night.
Congratulations to our contestants who attended the 2023 Victoria Chinese Writing and Speaking Competition
By Ms Minnie Zeng
Assistant YLC