Sustainability Club

Term 4 for the Sustainability Club has been a time of great reflection on a lot of the amazing projects and initiatives we have engaged with in 2023, as well as looking ahead to next year and starting to put some plans together.
Composting Update – After receiving the grant from Whitehorse Council last term, we have recently purchased 2 large compost tumblers and a number of small kitchen caddies. We will be gradually introducing composting around the school in early 2024, starting initially with the canteen and the food tech classrooms. Keep your eyes peeled for more exciting updates on this next year.
Idling Project – Late in term 3 we undertook a project in conjunction with the Monash University Global Challenges students looking at car idling in schools and the subsequent health and environmental impacts. The data collection was a great way to engage students with hands-on research into one aspect of our school's carbon footprint, and to allowed them to be part of brainstorming ideas to reduce our impact on the environment. Please look right for a summary of the findings from the report. We will be implementing some changes in 2024 as a result of the report of this study, so keep an eye out for some new signs around the school!
Sustainability Week 2024 – In term 1 this year we held our first ever Sustainability Week, with a variety of events and activities around the school. In the last few weeks of the year, we have begun planning for a bigger and better Sustainability Week in 2024. This will be a great way to raise awareness of the amazing work the club is doing around the school, as well as promoting sustainable practices for all students in school and at home. The week will also coincide with National Walk/Ride 2 School Day, as well as Earth Hour.
Community Prefects 2024 – We were super excited to meet our two Community Prefects for 2024, Liv Picking and Annabel Jacob, who will be working closely with Sustainability Club next year.
By Bec Kertes and the School Staff Sustainability Club