Model Solar Car 2023

This year we had 52 students making up 19 teams participating in the Model Solar Car competition. The students have been designing and building their cars since the start of term 2.
The competition to find the fastest car was held on Sunday the 15th of October at Parkhill Primary School.
The day was very cloudy and many of the races were quite long as the cars were very closely matched. The Box Hill students were extremely successful once again taking out 2nd, 3rd and 4th places. These 3 teams plus a wild card competed in the Australian International Model Solar Competition held in Hobart Tasmania on the weekend of 25th and 26th of October.
Whilst our teams did not place at the national event we won the best video which is part of the assessment for overall points.
Check out the videos entered by the Teams.
Well done to all the teams who participated in this fun and exciting activity throughout the year.
By Steve Perry