Parent Engagement

Advent starts on the First Sunday in December. Why not watch this 2 minute clip to find out exactly what Advent is all about...  


 Candle for the First Sunday of Advent: On the first Sunday of Advent, Christians light the first candle on the Advent wreath, which is often purple or blue in color. This candle is called the "Hope" or "Prophet's Candle," symbolizing the anticipation of the coming Messiah and the hope that He brings to the world. Perhaps you could light a purple candle at your dinner table this week and say a prayer to God asking for the grace of hope - not to give up on hope in the face of adversity. We pray in hope especially for peace in the Middle East at this time.



 The second Sunday in Advent on 10 December will be our last Children's Mass at 10.15 am with our Children's choir. If you are in any year at the school and would like to read at Mass either as a parent or as a child please let me know asap. 


The Parish Children's Christmas Mass is at 6 pm on Christmas Eve, Sunday 24th December. Please contact me if you would like your child to participate in the Parish Nativity Play. Parts have already been allocated by the Parish youth coordinator but there is still capacity for more shepherds and angels. 

One of our learning support officers, Kate Falzon has developed a beautiful website for children and families to learn more about the Catholic faith so if you have any questions about our traditions why not take a look? Thank you, Kate! ❤️


Time Online for my Child? How much is too much?

As the holidays draw near you may have some E-Safety Questions as a Parent. These can be answered on the e-safety commissioner website and in particular there is a resource which provides a series of snapshots about common online safety issues for parents at this QR code .




Anne Gray


Holy Family Parent Engagement Coordinator

(All day Tuesday and Thursday am)