Principal's Message

Welcome back
Welcome back Launchers to school for 2024 and I’d like to welcome our Preps and new students to the school. There is always such a lovely buzz in the air this time of year, and it was so ‘warm and fuzzy’ to see our Prep classrooms packed with families making the most of what will no doubt be a treasured memory. Hopefully our families made the most of the holiday break and our students are refreshed and ready to learn.
A running start…
The first day of the school year was a great success, with students from Year One to Six settling in exceptionally well and then the Prep children starting Monday this week. I would like to thank the staff for making the students feel so at ease, but also acknowledge the work that was put in last year during the transition program. Our students have hit the ground running, which is exactly what we were hoping for! It was also wonderful to see so many parents in and around the school and we hope that this continues! As the week has unfolded, it is already business as usual, and the students are getting on with learning!
Communications will predominantly flow through COMPASS as the first port of call, so I encourage families to make sure they have this app. In terms of student learning, teaching teams will also be posting updates and notices on COMPASS so keep a look out!
‘Getting to know you’ Interviews
‘Getting to know you’ interviews will be held on Thursday February 22 from 2:00pm to 6.30pm. The purpose of these interviews:
Parents and guardians are encouraged to attend to:
Þ Meet their child’s teacher to begin an effective home/school partnership.
Þ Provide information to teachers regarding their child’s strengths, talents, issues, or concerns.
Information shared by parents to teachers will assist us to plan for and work as effectively as possible with you and your child throughout the year. Interviews will be 10 minutes in length. Using COMPASS parents can now book a time online to see a teacher. We encourage all parents to come along!
Leadership Badge Ceremony
On Friday March 8th we will be presenting Leadership badges at our 9:00am assembly. It is always a special occasion for the children to receive their leadership badges. We hope you can make it along to the GP room to join in the festivities.
2024 Voluntary Parent Contributions Reminder
Parent payments help the school to operate effectively. At Launch, we continue to keep our contributions very low, however those additional funds are the difference between providing the additional programs, such as a significant investment in technology (such as the 40 new Chromebooks and 10 new TVs we have in classrooms), that cannot be delivered without the support of families. We would like to thank the parents that have already made these contributions and strongly encourage all families to do what they can. Parent payment plans are available if families would feel more comfortable paying in instalments. Simply contact our office to arrange a plan.
School Council Elections
Information regarding the 2024 School Council election process was sent to families via COMPASS yesterday. School Council is an extremely vital part of the school, and it is from council that we take our direction. Council approves external contracts, provides advice and consent on a range of areas, and oversees school finance. Please look out for this if you think you may be interested in nominating or being nominated. Information includes a timeline and summary of the role of School Council.
Parents and Families Association
Once again, we call for interested parents who would like to be a part of the PFA in 2024. Thank you to those who have made contact, but if any other families would like to be involved, we would love to hear from you. Please email if you would like to contribute and we can put you in the right direction. A meeting will be arranged for interested parents once we have your responses. We look forward to working with you this year!
Car Parking
Just a reminder about the carparking in and around the surrounding areas of our school. We are very fortunate to have significant parking at both the top (Carter St) and bottom (Grieve St) of our school. Whilst there is some street parking available, please note that there are also signs indicating ‘No Standing’ areas. Please be aware that often parking inspectors can arrive unannounced and begin booking cars for being parked in the wrong areas. Our Yard duty teachers are on duty until 3:45pm, supervising children and the exits of the school. If you arrive to pick up your child/children I encourage you to wait until a suitable parking spot of available.
Lunch orders
Lunch orders are available on Thursdays. Orders can be placed by students bringing to school brown paper bag with their order written on the front and the money inside. Menus and prices were sent home last week on a hard copy piece of paper.
Update your contact information
If your child is ill at school, or suffers an accident, then staff will give immediate care and appropriate first aid. Please make sure you notify the office of any changes to your address, your Emergency Contact details, as well as mobile phone numbers. Please also keep the office informed of any change in medical issues faced by your children, as this helps us to make the best choices for their welfare. Your current contact information is especially important for us for when we need to contact you in the case of an emergency e.g. bushfire.
Labour Day Public Holiday
Parents are reminded that there is a Labour Day Public holiday on Monday 11th March. There will be no school on this day.
Working With Children Checks (WWCC)
We encourage and value parental and community support at Launch. There are many ways that parents, grandparents, and friends can assist at our school. We encourage all parents to obtain a Working with Children’s Check that will allow you to be very involved in your child’s education. These checks are free for volunteers. Once you have your WWCC please come to the office so we can photocopy this, and we will add your name to our list of parents who have a current WWCC check.
Accident Insurance
The Department of Education (DE) does not provide personal accident insurance for students. Parents are generally responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any transport costs. The Department of Education states that reasonable low-cost accident insurance policies are available from the commercial insurance sector. Similarly, DE (which includes the school) does not offer replacement of personal items which are brought to school and are lost, broken, or stolen. Sentimental or expensive belongings and toys, including sports equipment and electronic devices, are best left at home.
Mobile Phones
There is state-wide policy on Mobile Phones in Victorian Government Schools. All students are required to turn off and hand in mobile phones to prevent usage during school hours. This also extends to smart watches where the call and messaging function can connect to the student’s phone. At our front office, Audrey uses a lockable cupboard in which to safely store student devices. Devices will be placed in the cupboard at the start of the day and handed back at the end of the day. School Council has approved our Mobile Phone policy to ensure it is aligned to Department of Education directives. A copy of this policy is available on our website. Please discuss this with your child/ren to assist us in following this policy. We thank you for your support in this area.
Student Safety – Bushfire Emergency Procedures @ Launching Place PS
Despite a bit of a sad start to summer, given our school is situated in the Yarra Valley we are classified as a school on the ‘Bushfire At Risk Register’. It is vital you are aware of the following information:
School Closures on Catastrophic Days
Should there be a predicted “CATASTROPHIC” day school community members will be notified three days prior to the predicted closure to inform them. One day prior to the closure day(s) another alert, letter/phone call will confirm the closure. If the school is closed, nobody will be on site. This includes all staff and students. As the Out of School Hours Care Program will also be closed, families will be required to make alternate arrangements for such days. It is recommended that you enact your fire plans on these days.
Active Fire Procedures:
In the event of an active fire occurring in the area all students will be evacuated to our safer place which is our BER building. Parents will be notified should we ever evacuate for any purpose other than a drill. We ask that you do not come to the school to collect your children, at this time, as the potential for traffic closures and hazards in such conditions could result in tragic consequences. Please note that the school’s Safer Place is not a community refuge, and we discourage you from using it as a plan of action in your family’s emergency management plan. Many parents will choose to enact their family fire plans well before a real threat is faced. This may mean leaving the local area the day before a day of extreme heat and/ or wind. Of course, this decision lies with each family and should mean that your route down the Highway is not blocked or impeded as may be the case if a fire was in the area.
Visiting the school and collecting children
A reminder to everyone that we have a policy which requires all visitors to report to the office first when entering the school. Should you need to visit the classroom, see your child at recess or are a helper at school, please report to the office first to sign in. This ensures that in an emergency we can account for all people at school. If you are having someone collecting your children that is not on your emergency contact list or does not normally pick up your child, can you please let the office know. This is especially important for the junior children.
Be Sunsmart!
During term one, please remember that hats are compulsory at all times when outside at school (including Phys Ed sessions). As a Sunsmart school we strictly enforce the use of hats. Remember these 5 SunSmart steps during the sun protection times, even if it’s cool or cloudy.
1. Slip on covering clothing. If you can see skin, UV can reach it.
2. Slop on SPF 30 or higher broad-spectrum sunscreen. Apply sunscreen before going outdoors.
3. Slap on a sun protective hat. The best hat shades the head, face, eyes, ears, and neck. Our school hats comply with Sun Smart regulations.
4. Seek shade. Shady spaces help block some of the sun’s UV but not all so you still need to wear hats, clothing, and sunscreen even in the shade.
5. Slide on sunglasses. If practical, help protect your child’s eyes with sunglasses. For further information go to:
Students who don’t have a Sun Smart hat will be directed to play in a designated shade area.
Thankyou everyone for a sensational start to the school year. Have a wonderful 2024!
Virtual Tour
See you around our place,
Laura Caddy