Moriac Sport/PE
Sporting news and PE updates
Moriac Sport/PE
Sporting news and PE updates
P-2- Basketball & Netball
Our Prep- 2 students have been learning the skills of Basketball and Netball and the ways in which these 2 sports are similar and different. Students have practiced their dribbling, passing and shooting as well as practicing making sure they don't use footwork in Netball.
3-6 Volleyball
Our 3-6 students have enjoyed learning Volleyball this term, including passes such as spiking, setting and digging. Students have enjoyed having a go at some game play with their new skills. It has been awesome to see the skills improve over the last few weeks!
Colour Run
We are super excited for the upcoming Colour Run! Well done to all the students who have started raising funds! We have already raised close to $2000 for our outdoor spaces and we can't wait to see how much more we raise in the lead up to the event! Remember there will be prizes for the top fundraisers including getting to slime Mrs Maccora on the day of the Fun Run! Head to to sign up and start fundraising!