Year 3/4

Term 4, 2023


In English we have begun our new novel study for the term, which is  'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. Students are really enjoying this novel so far. We have been looking at how Roald Dahl develops and describes his characters, we have explored the rich vocabulary in the text, practised how to summarise what we have read, and even had a go at creating our own chocolate bars! 

Bellow is some students completing their summary together, The Wonka confectionary students designed and created, a summary written by Ashlyn in 3/4b and Penny's character description of Charlie Bucket. 

Steph, Kylah and Ashlyn
3/4b Wonka Confectionary
Steph, Kylah and Ashlyn
3/4b Wonka Confectionary


In Maths this term, students have been beginning with a warm up working on their multiplication goal. Students have been working hard to master their specific times-table using different strategies. We work on this by playing different partner games, some of these have been snap, rob the nest and multiplication tic tac toe. A focus in maths has been calculating equivalent number sentences. We have been exploring the meaning of the equal sign, and how we can manipulate numbers in order to solve equivalent number sentences. 


French day:

Students had a blast on French day! We developed our learning of the country by looking at specific land marks, as well the location on a map. Students participated in a number of French activities, including building the Eiffel tower from straws! Thank you to families for helping support French day by arranging some wonderful costumes. The students really looked the part.


Emma Rodgers
Mike Nelson
Mikhala Fisher
Emma Rodgers
Mike Nelson
Mikhala Fisher