From the Dean of Curriculum

Wrapping Up the School Year: Achieving Success through Goal Setting

Dear BMGS Community,


As we approach the end of another academic year, it's natural for students and educators alike to reflect on the journey we've undertaken together. Setting goals has been a fundamental aspect of our collective growth, and as we prepare to bid farewell to the current school year, it's crucial to approach the closing chapters with a sense of accomplishment and purpose.


Here are some tips on how to finish the school year strong by revisiting and achieving the goals you set at the beginning of the academic term:


1. Reflect on Your Progress:

Take a moment to look back at the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the school year. Acknowledge the progress you've made, recognising both big achievements and small victories. Reflection allows you to appreciate your journey and provides valuable insights for future goal-setting.


2. Adjust and Adapt:

It's okay if circumstances have changed, and certain goals are no longer relevant. Life is dynamic, and flexibility is key. If needed, adjust your goals to better align with your current situation. Remember, adapting doesn't mean giving up; it's about staying realistic and focused on what truly matters.


3. Prioritise Your Remaining Goals:

As the school year winds down, identify the goals that are still within reach. Prioritise these objectives to ensure that you allocate your time and energy efficiently. Breaking larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks can make them more achievable in the remaining time.


4. Seek Support:

If you find yourself facing challenges in reaching your goals, don't hesitate to seek support. Whether it's from teachers, friends, or family, a supportive network can provide valuable guidance and encouragement. Collaborate with others who share similar goals to create a motivating and uplifting environment.


5. Celebrate Achievements:

Take the time to celebrate your achievements, both individually and as a community. Recognising your hard work and accomplishments boosts morale and sets a positive tone for the conclusion of the school year. Share your successes with others and take pride in the collective achievements of the entire school community.


6. Set Realistic End-of-Year Goals:

Consider setting a few realistic, short-term goals for the final weeks of the school year. These goals can provide a sense of purpose and help you stay focused during this busy period. Ensure these objectives align with your overall growth and contribute to a successful conclusion.


By setting clear, achievable goals and following these strategies, you'll not only finish the school year on a high note but also develop valuable skills that will serve you well in the future. Embrace the opportunities for growth and learning, and remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. Good luck in achieving your goals and finishing the school year strong!


Mrs Alicia Michielsen

Dean of Curriculum 7-12

Head of Learning Enrichment P-12

Careers Advisor