College Uniform

College Beanie - Now available at Panthers!


Available now!! New Sports uniform items including tracksuit pants, leggings and shorts are available in Panthers! Girl's summer shorts and blouses are also available - layby is available!

Girls sport leggings
Unisex shorts
Girls sport shorts
Unisex tracksuit pants
Girls sport leggings
Unisex shorts
Girls sport shorts
Unisex tracksuit pants


Uniform Donations

The College is always looking for items of uniforms for needy families. If you have any items suitable please drop them off at our reception.


Second-hand uniforms and books

We have a College Facebook Group for families to buy, swap or sell any official second-hand Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College (Leongatha) uniform or books.


Families should double-check book lists before purchasing any second-hand books.


College Uniform

Panthers Mensland (Leongatha and Wonthaggi) stock all our school uniform items (including sports uniforms and building and construction uniforms) plus school shoes.


Appointments are available both at Leongatha and Wonthaggi stores. A team member will be allocated to each appointment. (Walk-ins will be looked after too but preference will be given to appointments, especially during peak times). 


Appointments can be made by telephone anytime during business hours:

Leongatha ph: 03 5662 5550  / Wonthaggi Ph: 03 5672 5644 – for any time during business hours for either location, 9-5pm Monday to Friday, Saturday 9-12.30pm.


Panthers have a flexible layby system. Afterpay/Zip pay is also available if required.


Panthers work with seamstresses/tailors if you require any tailoring work, for any alterations please allow a few days.    


College uniform reminders

Hoodies and puffer jackets are not part of the school uniform and should not be worn.


Summer uniform (Terms 1 and 4)

Grey-tailored school shorts

College summer dress or Navy formal 

shorts college short with College blouse

White short sleeve College shirtCollege Jumper (optional)
College Jumper (optional)College Blazer
College BlazerWhite College socks
Grey College socksBlack leather shoes
Black leather school shoesNavy blue school hat
Navy blue school hat 

Winter uniform (Terms 2 and

College BlazerCollege Blazer
College grey tailored school pantsCollege tartan skirt or College navy pants
White long-sleeve shirtWhite long-sleeve shirt
College jumperCollege jumper
College tieCollege tie
Grey College socksNavy blue tights with skirt or Navy socks with pants
Black leather school shoesBlack leather school shoes
Plain navy scarfPlain navy scarf

Sports Uniform 

Boys and Girls

Building and Construction Uniform 

Boys and Girls

College sports jacketCollege fluro polo
College rugby jumperCollege fluro jumper
College polo shirtBone or navy trade pants or shorts
College track pants Steel cap boots
College sports shorts 
College sport leggings (girls) 
Navy blue school hat (terms 1 and 4) 

Black leather school shoes

Black leather school shoes are sold at Panthers - brands including Grosby, Clarks, Harrison, and ROC, are available for boys and girls (They are only available at the Leongatha store).