
Mr. John Ryan - Deputy Principal

Digital Safety 

The College Digital Learning Policy is one of three core documents that the College uses to inform and protect our student population bout the ethics of digital footprinting.  The other documents are the MMCRC Cybersafety Policy and Computer Usage Agreement which every student in the College must adhere to when they use a laptop issued in Years 7 and again in Year 10. 


The Digital Learning Policy assists students and members of our school community to understand: 

(a) our commitment to providing students with the opportunity to benefit from digital technologies to support and enhance learning and development at school including [our 1-to-1 personal device program .

(b) expected student behaviour when using digital technologies including the internet, social media, and digital devices (including computers, laptops and tablets) 

(c) the school’s commitment to promoting the safe, responsible and discerning use of digital technologies, and educating students on appropriate responses to any dangers or threats to wellbeing that they may encounter when using the internet and digital technologies 

(d) our school’s policies and procedures for responding to inappropriate student behaviour on digital technologies and the internet 

(e) the various Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL) policies on digital learning, including social media, that our school follows and implements when using digital technology 

(f) our school prioritises the safety of students whilst they are using digital technologies.


Currently, the College employs the sophisticated software Fast Vue technology to review the integrity of student searches. Searches that come as red flags are placed under four categories.

  1. Self-Harm
  2. Extremist
  3. Adult and Profanity
  4. Drug

The Deputy Principals review all inappropriate searches on a daily basis and have several courses of action depending on the nature of the search. Other areas for concern are online gaming which may include games students have downloaded at home and then choose to access during class time. The College will continue to strive to maintain the integrity of time spent in class to allow students the best experience possible to learn. 


Gambling & Young People

The digital era has made gambling more accessible, and certain factors are elevating the risk of problematic gambling among young people. A new grey area is emerging, with smartphones at their fingertips blurring the boundaries between gambling and entertainment, especially within the realms of video games and social media. The current generation of young people are growing up in an unprecedented time and research highlights that a significant percentage of adolescents are involved in gambling activities. 


Reports of young people gambling are frequent with many experiencing adverse consequences such as diminished academic performance and strained relationships. Today’s youth are growing up in a digital age characterised by constant connectivity, and the gambling industry has evolved significantly during our young people's formative years. Simulated gambling, such as in video games, can further increase the likelihood of teenagers transitioning to real-money gambling and developing future gambling-related problems.


It's crucial to foster open discussions about positive media choices to help children navigate through responsible online gaming and gambling. Encouraging a balanced approach to screen time and promoting alternative activities, will help set some clear boundaries to avoid potential gambling-related issues.

A special MacKillop School TV Report, provides guidance on how to empower young people to make responsible choices in this digital age. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one, or the wellbeing of your child, please consider seeking medical or professional help.


Here is the link to the College special report https://mackillopleongatha.catholic.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-gambling-young-people-au