Be a Blessing and Pray

Prayer and Praise Points

As a school we like to pray for both our school and the wider community.


We would love for you to join us in praying for the following:

Praise Points:

  • Fantastic weather and a great time at Ready, Set, Rescue for our Year 5/6 students last week
  • Praise for the ISBGAT grant received for our new Year 5/6 classroom block

Prayer Points:

  • Upcoming excursions and events in both Primary and Secondary
  • Site works commencing in preparation for our new Year 5/6 classrooms

Local Churches:

  • The Salvos
  • Village Church - Pastors Craig and Miriam Guntrip

CEN Tasmanian Schools:

  • Channel Christian School 

Our Wider CEN Community:

  • Nhulunbuy Christian College - Nhulunbuy, N