What's Happening in Secondary

News and Information from Secondary

Numeracy and Literacy Skills

In DCS Secondary, we take great pride in the hard work of our students, particularly in the fields of English and Math. In Junior secondary, we are unapologetic in our emphasis on fundamental numeracy and literacy skills. This commitment is reflected in our daily timetable, with dedicated morning sessions focused on both Math and English. Additionally, we allocate intentional extra learning time through our Targeted Growth Sessions, conducted three times a week.


Our academic objective is to ensure that numeracy and literacy skills never become barriers to our students' future endeavours. While we recognise that PAT testing is just one among several measures used to assess growth and achievement, we find it valuable to share this data with you. It provides insights into the progress our students are making, contributing to our broader understanding of their academic journey.


Please have a look at the box and whisker plots below. The blue box and whisker plot graphs DCS Yr 7 students'  growth over the last 3 years, while the maroon box and whisker plot represents the national average specific to the grade level. As you can see our students growth in the last 12 months is exciting and worth celebrating! Let us know if you have any further questions. 


Maths results!

Reading results!

Upcoming Dates:

  • 'The Gathering' - every Friday at 9am with worship, a guest sharing and Shout Outs (Character celebrations for our students). Parents, family and friends are always welcome to come along and join with us. Delicious hot drinks are available from the café from 8:50am. 
  • Thursday 23rd  November - Schools Triathlon Challenge
  • Tuesday 28th November - 7:00pm - Yr 7 2024 ICT Information Session
  • Wednesday 29th November - Yr 7/8 2024 Orientation Day
  • Friday 1st December - Devonport Show public holiday
  • Monday 4th December -  Excursion to Devils Gate Power Station
  • Wednesday 6th December - 6:30pm - DCS Celebration Service
  • Thursday 7th December - Secondary 'Splash' Celebration Day (further information to come)
  • Monday 11th December - 7:30am - Celebration Breakfast with parents (please see invitation below)
  • Tuesday 12th December - Last day Term 4
  • Tuesday 12th December - Secondary Celebration Day
  • Please refer to the Schoolbox Calendar for further events and information