What's Happening in Primary

News and Information from Primary

Character First: Forgiveness

It has been a privilege guiding Primary students through various character traits over the past year, utilising definitions and "I will" statements from the Character First Program. As we wrap up the year, we delved into the character trait of Forgiveness.


The Character First program defines Forgiveness as, "Clearing the record of those who have wronged me and not holding a grudge."


To further facilitate the students' understanding of forgiveness, we introduced 'the five "I will" statements.' These statements represent practical commitments each student can undertake to cultivate the character trait of Forgiveness.


The five I will statements are:

  • I will be quick to forgive (Week 6)
  • I will not cover up my own wrongs but will be quick to ask for forgiveness (Week 7)
  • I will not seek revenge (Week 7)
  • I will respond kindly to those who hurt me (Week 8)
  • I will not take up offences for others (Week 8)


What a joy it is to be in the music space at DCS! We have some incredibly creative and courageous young people. This term we have stepped into a 'composers corner', becoming the artists of sound and silence in time and tempo. 


All ages have engaged in a variety of centres including rocking recorder, 'boomwhackers', percussion play, 'musiclab', drum kit play alongs, 'GarageBand', listening to historical composers in our cubby and keyboard sound mixing. 


I pray as each one of us continues to relish play and create our unique sounds and voice in this world, we can make it a more beautiful and inclusive place. 


Mrs Mandi Scott

Music Teacher

Library News

Friday 24th November will be the last day for students to borrow library books.  Please note that students will be able to borrow for one week only.


At the end of each year, to assist with all books being returned, I offer to students in Years 1-6 that whichever class returns ALL their books will receive a chocolate!


I encourage students and families to please start checking bookshelves at home and return any books to the school library.  Thank you!


Mrs G. 

Library Technician

Primary Assemblies

As a school we are always excited to welcome families to our Primary Assemblies each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please be advised of some happenings at assemblies over the coming weeks:


Friday 24th November: ICAS Certificate Presentations

We will be presenting certificates to all students who participated in ICAS in 2023 for the following subjects:



Spelling Bee


Tuesday 12th December: Academic & Sports Assembly

On Tuesday 12th December from 8.30am in the JILOA Centre, we will be holding our annual Academic & Sports Assembly.


We will be presenting the subject awards for each level for 2023.


We will also be presenting certificates to all students who have participated in a team sport this year, including: basketball, netball, soccer and touch footy.


We warmly invite all team coaches, family and friends to attend this assembly.


Primary End of Term Events:

As the end of term starts to draw near we have some wonderful opportunities for you to join us to celebrate together as a community:


Monday December 4th - Year 6 Graduation service

For parents, guardians or special people of our Year 6 students. Event by invitation. Held in the Jiloa Centre.


Wednesday 6th December - Celebration Service

DCS Whole School Community will gather at the Devonport Paranaple Centre to celebrate a wonderful 2023.


Tuesday 12th December  - Primary Sports and Academic Awards Assembly

Join us in the Jiloa Centre from 8:30am - 9:45am to celebrate student achievements for the year.


Water fun and celebrations!

Monday 11th December Splash Celebration Day

Year 1 to 6 students will be walking to Splash Aquatic Centre for water activities, swim carnival fun and a picnic.  Parents are welcome to join us for the day.

Our Kinder and Prep students will be holding their very own fun filled water play days onsite at school.

Upcoming Dates:

  • Thursday 23rd November - online orders close for Year 6 Graduate Hoodies
  • Friday 24th November - Schools Triathlon Challenge
  • Friday 24th November - Prep excursion to The Hive
  • Wednesday 29th November - Prep to Year 6 Orientation Morning
  • Friday 1st December - Devonport Show public holiday
  • Wednesday 6th December - DCS Celebration Service
  • Monday 11th December - Primary 'Splash' Celebration Day (further information to come)
  • Tuesday 12th December - Last day Term 4
  • Tuesday 12th December - Primary Sports and Academic Awards Assembly
  • Tuesday 12th December - Primary Reports sent home with students
  • Please refer to the Schoolbox Calendar for further events and information