
From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

We are filled with a deep sense of gratitude and humility when we reflect on the growth and development we have witnessed at our school, especially over the past five years. Every child is a unique creation of God, imbued with potential and purpose, and it is our sacred duty to nurture not only their minds but their hearts and spirits as well.


At DCS, we are committed to excellence in developing character, faith formation and identity transformation. The academic growth of our students is a testament to their hard work and God's grace, as they progress not just in knowledge, but in wisdom and understanding. It is said, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" - Proverbs 22:6. This underlines our mission to guide our students, not just for the tests and assessments they will take in school, but for the tests and challenges of life.


We are in a new season of developing our secondary and the growth is tangible, evident in the expansion of our physical facilities. The construction of four additional primary classrooms is an answer to prayer, allowing us to increase our facilities, releasing rooms to our secondary as each level grows. These classrooms stand at the back fence line of the primary oval, a beacon of progress and a promise of commitment to our families to sustainably grow our school and provide resources to enhance learning.

The allocation of the existing Year 5/6 classrooms to our DCS Secondary is a strategic step to provide continuity and space for our growing secondary student body. Furthermore, the addition of two new primary basketball courts, including one covered, represents more than just new play areas—it will represent the cultivation of student teamwork, discipline in sport and healthy living.

Moving our maintenance facilities is also a part of stewarding our resources wisely, ensuring that every square inch of our campus is utilised for the greatest good of our students. This will allow for expansion of our animal and vegetable patches to have their own store shed for animal husbandry and market gardening in David's current 'shed'. As we improve and increase our school facilities, we are mindful that each frame built and each beam raised is in service to a higher calling.


These three additions, classrooms, sports courts with covering and a new maintenance shed total a building project that is $2.2m. On Monday morning I received a phone call from Senator Anne Urquhart, on behalf of the Federal Minister for Education Jason Clare, to confirm our approval of a Federal Government Grant of $870,000 for this project! We constantly give thanks to God for the provision of these additional funds through the Block Grant Authority and Federal investment in our capital projects. 


This development in infrastructure is not just a physical manifestation of growth, but a reflection of our commitment to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" - 2 Peter 3:18. Each improvement is an opportunity to enhance our students' learning environment, so they may flourish in all aspects of their God-given potential.

Some further exciting news is that we have commenced, with our school architect S.Group, the design and drawings of our DCS Year 9 & 10 Learning Centre to be constructed in 2025 ready for the 2026 school year. This facility will have specialised secondary Food Technology classroom as catering and commercial kitchen rating, an upper secondary purpose-built science laboratory with theory teaching room, amphitheatre for gatherings and drama performance space, design space, fitness provision, four general secondary classrooms (with provision for up to six) and community gathering space. We are also in concept design discussion about where our future music department and performing arts spaces will be built, hopefully working in with our current Jiloa Centre (we all know our performing arts students at DCS need a stage!). Next week DCS Secondary will announce the musical production they will be performing in 2024 (it will be the inaugural DCS Secondary musical!).

Let us continue to build, not just buildings, but futures, hope, and a community anchored in Christ's love. For in every new facility, in every classroom, we see the face of possibility, and we are reminded of our vision to see each child develop into the person they are meant to be. 


May God bless our efforts as we work hand in hand for the betterment of our students and the glory of God.


Education is the foundation upon which we build our future. - Christine Gregoire


Chad Smit  |  Principal