Grade 2 receive a mysterious package from the north pole!

A big thank you from our Waste Warriors


The Year 5 Waste Warriors have now finished their Pen Recycling Program collection and would like to congratulate 1B on being the class that has collected the most number of items.


Throughout the year, classes placed used pens, textas and other plastic items in a designated recycling bucket. These items, which would usually go to landfill and pollute waterways with microplastics, have now been taken to Officeworks where they will be transported to the TerraCycle Recycling Facility. They will now be turned into things such as garden furniture, where they will be kept away from our rivers, oceans and streams.


A big congratulations to all students who recycled. As a school we collected over 2000 items and hopefully have educated others in the community to do the same!







Grade 1



Grade 2







At the movies!



Grade 3



Oscar and Jake's Pig the Pug books



Oscar's book


Jake's book



 Grade  4



Penguin Swimming, a poem by Lucy W.




Grade 5




Grade 6



Graduation Preparation


Grade 6 with Grade 1 buddies




Wacky Races!



Wacky Races - Race Day!



BBPS Talent Show