Years 7-9 Activities Week

Activities week events are open for families to sign up via Compass
Our end of year Activities for Years 7-9 students will run during the final week of school – Week 11, 11th – 15th December.
Each faculty will be responsible for running activities on a particular day, which will be based on their subject area, with a focus on connections to our curriculum. There is an attachment at the end of this article where you will find a list of the activities on offer across the week. There are a range of different activities running and students will be able to opt-in to any activity via the Compass events created for them.
Please note that attendance at events is not compulsory and families must opt-in to the events they wish their child to participate in. Students can leave in the afternoon after completing a morning session if they are not signed up for an afternoon activity, however, our preference is that if students wish to attend an activity that they stay for the entire day.
Each activity has a participant limit which means that once these activities are full we cannot fit more students into the event. Note that some of the events have more than one session running throughout the day which means that you may be able to choose an afternoon session if the morning session is full.
Some activities have a cost associated with them if they are an excursion or require resources to be purchased for the activity. The Compass events have more details about the activities and the times that they are running.
Please confirm your attendance as soon as possible and at the latest Friday 8 December, so that staff running the activities are able to purchase materials or organise equipment for the day.
Please note that the Canteen will close on 8 December and therefore will not be available during the Activities week.
If you have any questions regarding the arrangements in place, please send an email to our school email address: