From the Principal

This is our last newsletter for the year and it is again a jam-packed edition, with so many celebrations and activities happening as we wind up the year.
I would like to extend my thanks to all of the dedicated students and staff who've kindly contributed their successes, excursions, activities, and reflections, outlining a rich diversity of the experiences that our school offers.
Our students are completing end of year assignments and assessments and staff are providing valuable feedback on what our students have achieved over the last Semester. Our Year 9 Advancement students, Year 10s and Year 11s are attending their VCE Orientation Program this week, giving them the opportunity to prepare for their Senior studies. Our Year 7 to 9 students will have the opportunity to participate in the upcoming Activities Week.
As our students prepare to move up another year level, our Grade 6s are eagerly anticipating their transition to Secondary school. They will have their State-wide Orientation Day next week, and our Year 9 Peer Support Leaders, will be assisting them on the day. Thanks to the Middle School for training up our young leaders and giving them the opportunity to develop their leadership skills to support our 2024 cohort on their exciting day.
The Music Concert held last fortnight was a resounding success, drawing a significant turnout from our supportive families at the Clocktower. Backstage, and while waiting in the audience, the excitement among our students built before they performed with their ensemble groups. Kudos to our Music Captains, Tom and Avery, who skilfully steered the event as MCs, exemplifying the vital role of student leadership across our school.
The Art and Design Departments impressed us with exceptional shows last Wednesday evening in our B- and C-Blocks. A big thank you to the teams for their preparation and organization, showcasing an array of outstanding student work. The Art and Design awards presentation, complemented by live music, created a captivating atmosphere that was enjoyed by all in attendance.
Our camps program wrapped up with some great camps for our Duke of Edinburgh groups who had a great bush-walking experience along the coastal area near Anglesea. Our bike riders also experienced the coastline, but this time in Gippsland riding in front of the storms and floodwaters. Although they had to cancel their last day’s ride due to heavy rainfall, they had a great time and established some great friendships across year levels.
I wish to thank all of our families for their efforts again this year working with our CovidSafe measures throughout the year. We have still had many of our students and staff required to isolate or care for others in their families and last newsletter we sent a reminder about these measures as we have started to see an increase in cases as we head to the end of the year and the holiday period.
Next year, I look forward to promoting and celebrating as many events and I encourage all of our students participate in as many opportunities as they can.
I wish everyone in our school community a restful, safe, and joyous break.
Chris Jones