Get The Spiel

A Letter From Your Co-Editors
Thank you for reading our newest edition of the Spiel! We have all worked extremely hard on our articles, and we hope you enjoy it. Click the image below to read the last issue for the year.
This year, our wonderful editor Mya has completed Year 12, so Jo Nunn and Isabel Rio, both year 10s, are now the official co-editors of the Spiel, and are bringing the student newspaper into the new year. Our goal is to create a place for Northcote students to use their voices and express themselves, whether that be ranting about current fixations or to shed light on marginalized communities and experiences.
As co-editors, we want to be able to help writers to find the perfect way to convey what they want to through their articles and provide support and assistance for anyone who would like it!
If you are a student interested in joining, want to check us out, or even want to write just one article and never speak to us again, please do! New members and participants are always greatly appreciated, so if you’re interested, email us at:
Or check us out in B5 every Wednesday at lunch time!