Student Medical Condition Management Plans 2024

It is important that each year we are liaising with parents and carers to ensure that students medical plans are up to date.
All student medical plans require yearly checking and updating.
We are currently reviewing our systems for this record management. In Term 1 2024 we will be attaching all student medical plans to students’ profiles on Compass to make them visible to parents and easily accessible to staff to be support First Aid management. This will make the yearly update and management of these plans much easier for families.
When these are uploaded/added to Compass next year, families will be sent an email prompt to view this post and check the information is up to date.
There will be more detailed information to come in Term 1 to support families with this transition, we just wanted to make you aware of this change to better support students and families.
For any students who have updated documents you need to provide for any student who have recently had a diagnosis, please read the relevant information and links below:
DET have strict guidelines regarding the type of medical plans that must be provided for different conditions.
Please find Medical Plans, Instructions and Medication Authority forms on the websites provided:
What you need to do:
- Print off the relevant template in Colour*please see requirement notes– if you need to collect a printed template, please contact the NHS General Office.
- Take the template to your medical practitioner (i.e. doctor) to fill out.
- Complete and sign the parent section of the template
Requirements to note:
- The attached plan is the only plan that will be accepted.
- Black and white plans will not be accepted.
- Poor printing quality will not be accepted.
- Medical plans that are emailed must be scanned and clear; mobile phone photos will not be accepted.
Asthma form: Ventolin is not required to be supplied to school, but student MUST carry Ventolin on them at all times.
Please note for any relevant medications: If the medical practitioner (i.e. doctor) lists medication on the medical plan, this must be supplied to the school as per below:
- medication supplied must have a minimum use by date end of December 2024
- medication must be in the original/unopened packet or container
- medication must be clearly labelled with the name of the student, dosage and time to be administered
- the medication that the medical practitioner has listed on the medical plan must be the type supplied (we cannot accept generic brands or substitutes)
If you require further information or printed copy, please contact Bradley Govan at the NHS General Office on 9488 2300 or