Pastoral Care

Mr Hilton Hardman

Tomorrow's Year 12s

As we conclude another enriching term, we are thrilled to share the highlights of the recently concluded 'Transition into Year 12 Week.' This four-day program, from Monday to Thursday, was designed to equip our Year 11 students with the skills and mindset needed for their upcoming journey into Year 12.


The week commenced with a dynamic start on Monday, as our Year 11s divided into two groups. One group embarked on an insightful university tour at Edith Cowan University (ECU), gaining a firsthand look at the potential paths for their academic future. Simultaneously, the second group engaged in meaningful service-learning activities at Kings Park, reinforcing the importance of giving back to the community.


Swan Valley fun
Swan Valley fun

Tuesday emerged as a highlight for many, as our students delved into a day camp at the Swan Valley Adventure Centre. From raft building to the exhilarating Leap of Faith and the challenging High Ropes, every activity required teamwork to achieve a common goal. It was a fitting location, serving as a bookend to their journey – the same spot where this group had their first camp in Year 7 and now their final camp in Year 11.

Year 11 Camp
Year 11 Camp

Midweek, our students had the privilege of listening to the inspiring Greg Hire, the ex-captain of the Perth Wildcats, who shared his personal story and emphasised the importance of grit and resilience in their final year. Wednesday concluded with the Great Walk, a 15km reflective journey where students engaged in various activities, fostering a sense of achievement, camaraderie and connectedness – so important for the students as the Class of 2024.

The GREAT WALK - of15km!
The GREAT WALK - of15km!
University of WA visit
University of WA visit

Thursday marked the final day, beginning with university tours to a choice of future potential institutions. This exploration aimed to provide students with a glimpse into their future academic endeavours. The day continued with a guest speaker from RAC and staff sessions, further enriching their understanding of the world beyond the classroom.


The exceptional participation and enthusiasm demonstrated by our students throughout the week undoubtedly served the purpose of this transition program. It was a fitting conclusion to the term and the year, setting the stage for their Year 12 journey. I wish them all the very best as they step up into the demands and expectation of Year 12 2024. 


As we approach the holiday season, we extend our warm wishes for a restful break, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all.


Mr Hilton Hardman

Head of Pastoral