Let's Talk Careers

Setting Goals

Reflection and Goal Setting 

As the end of 2023 approaches, it's a crucial time for students to engage in self-reflection and set new goals for the upcoming year. Year 10 students in particular are actively participating in this process through their Pathways lessons, a valuable initiative that encourages personal growth and development.

Reflecting on the past year is a powerful practice that helps individuals celebrate their achievements, no matter how small, and acknowledge personal highs and lows. Taking the time to pause and assess one's journey is essential for personal and academic development.


Year 10 students are not only looking back on their accomplishments but also challenging themselves to envision their future through the creation of emails to their future selves. This exercise prompts them to revisit their goals and ambitions for 2024, fostering a sense of continuity and purpose.

One of the key aspects of the Pathways lessons is the celebration of achievements, regardless of their size. This positive reinforcement not only boosts students' confidence but also helps them recognise the value of perseverance and hard work. By acknowledging and celebrating successes, students develop a more resilient mindset, which is crucial for overcoming challenges in the future.


The act of writing an email to their future selves serves as a powerful reminder of the goals and aspirations that students set for the coming year. This personal connection to their ambitions increases the likelihood of staying committed throughout the year. Unlike fleeting New Year's resolutions, these letters create a tangible connection to the aspirations, making them more likely to be realised.

Setting goals is not only about aiming for academic success but also about personal growth and well-being. Encouraging students to reflect on their highs and lows helps them understand their strengths and weaknesses, providing a foundation for setting realistic and achievable goals. This process of self-awareness is fundamental for developing a growth mindset, where challenges are seen as opportunities for learning and improvement. I encourage you to actively engage with your child during their reflection process. Discussing their reflections on 2023 and helping them set goals for 2024 reinforces the importance of goal-setting and self-improvement.


To ensure that these goals are not forgotten as the year progresses, create a plan for regular check-ins. Consistent communication about progress and adjustments to goals allows for a dynamic and adaptive approach. This ongoing dialogue fosters a sense of accountability and support, empowering students to stay focused on their objectives. As an additional challenge, why not share your goals with your family? If you want to write an email to your future self, you can do so at https://www.futureme.org/


Mrs Sharan Tagore

APEx, Careers and Curriculum Coordinator