Learning Space News

Year 3/4
As always, Term 3 has been very busy in the Year 3/4 Learning Space.
Students have been learning all about fractions and decimals, including various ways to represent them. They have also been exploring 2D shapes and 3D objects. Students have made models of 3D objects - a great way to understand how the shapes are formed and their different elements, such as faces, vertices and edges.
Looking at shapes led nicely into the focus on angles, where students learnt all about the different types of angles, their names and their different sizes. They discovered that angles are all around us, and were able to photograph the angles in the learning space and label each one in on their images.
Students have been learning about poetry this term, with a focus on 'diamante' poems. This is a poem in the shape of a diamond that uses a specific structure of nouns, adjectives and verbs.
Students have enjoyed reading the novel, 'The Wild Robot' by Peter Brown. The book explored themes of family and belonging. Students learnt about critiquing texts and expressing their own opinions about this book, supported by evidence from the text. Staff were so inspired by the book that they decided to dress up as the characters from the book for Book Week. If you enjoy going to the movies, there is a new movie of the book being released in the school holidays.