From the Principal

Today is 'RU OK Day' a significant occasion dedicated to encouraging open conversations about mental health and wellbeing. It is wonderful to see staff and students wearing splashes of yellow today as a symbol of hope and support. The colour yellow represents optimism and positivity, which aligns with the goal of the day: to foster a culture of care and connection.
RU OK Day aims to remind everyone of the importance of checking in with friends, family, and colleagues, and asking, "Are you okay?" It’s a reminder that a simple conversation can make a huge difference in someone's life. The day helps to break down the stigma around mental health issues and promotes the idea that it's okay to not be okay and to seek help when needed.
I would like to congratulate and thank all the fathers and father figures who came along to our Father’s Day afternoon tea and special assembly. It was a really nice surprise to see our school hall filled with so many family and friends who came to recognise and celebrate the importance of father figures in the lives of our children. I was immensely proud of our students for their heartfelt effort in creating a touching video and an inspiring book presentation to celebrate fathers. Both the video and book presentation were a beautiful tribute, capturing a children’s appreciation for their fathers, uncles, grandfathers and other father figures. See page 3 for photos of our Father’s Day celebration.
Congratulations to Student Voice Council for organising a successful PJ Day last week and raising $462 for State School’s Relief. This organisation plays a crucial role in supporting students in need by providing essential resources and assistance, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to succeed in their education. The funds raised will go a long way in helping to provide necessary supplies and support to those who need it most. Thank you, Student Voice Council, for your leadership and creativity and your ability to work together as team to create school events which reflect the voices of all our students across the school.
Important Reminders
Next week, Thursday 19th September at 6.00pm there will be an online information session for parents/carers of Year 4 students about the annual Doxa Camp in December. A link to join the session will be sent to families on Sentral.
The annual Year 3 Sleepover will be held on the first Friday of Term 4, Friday 11th October. Information and full details have been sent to families on Sentral.
The first Wednesday of Term 4, Wednesday 9th October there will be No Out of School Hours Care. Please ensure you make alternative arrangements for your child after school. We apologise for the inconvenience, but this will allow all staff to attend the annual ARPS Day celebration.
Friday 20th September is the last day of Term 3 and students will be dismissed at 2.30pm.
We wish all our students and families happy school holidays. Term 4 commences Monday 7th October. Please remember, students need to wear their sun smart hat to school.
Aussie of the Month
Congratulations to the August Aussie of the Month students: Kingston in Foundation and Selena in Year 1. Well done!!
The Key Values of Aussie of the Month are:
Fair go: not just how we apply ourselves but also in providing opportunity for all
Mateship: a generosity of spirit and compassion for those in need
Respect: of self, of others, our community, and the environment
Inclusion: acceptance and respect of difference
Carmel Nigro