Religious Education

St Finbar's Feast Day
St. Finbar, known for founding a monastery that grew into the city of Cork, is remembered for his deep faith and dedication to spreading the Gospel.
We're celebrating the Feast of St. Finbar early this year on Friday, September 20th, as the actual date (25th September) falls during the holidays. The day will start with Mass at 9:30 am, followed by a sausage sizzle lunch and a special DJ set at 12pm.
It’s a great way to end the term and come together as a community.
Gospel Reflection - Sunday, September 8th
Gospel Reading
Mark 7:31-37
Jesus restores a man’s hearing and speech.
Family Connection
Today’s Gospel invites us to consider how we witness the healing presence of Christ in our care for and ministry to those who are sick. We notice that the deaf man is brought to Jesus for healing by his friends. These people beg Jesus to lay his hands on this deaf man so that he might be healed. Jesus’ healing power is shown in his opening of the man’s ears and the restoring of his speech. When family members care for one another when they are sick, they bring Christ’s healing presence. When we pray for those who are ill, we ask God to show his healing power. When health is restored, we share that good news with others.
As you gather as a family, recall a time when a family member was ill. What steps were taken to help restore this family member to health? Talk about what it feels like to care for a person who is ill, and about how it feels to be the sick person being cared for. In today’s Gospel, we hear about a time when Jesus healed a man who was deaf. Read today’s Gospel, Mark 7:31-37. Notice how the man who was cured and his friends could not honor Jesus’ request to keep quiet about Jesus’ power to heal. We continue to celebrate Jesus’ healing presence in our lives by giving thanks to God for the gift of healing and health. Conclude in prayer, thanking Jesus for the gifts of health and healing.
Pray together for those who are sick. After each person is named, pray, “Jesus, heal us.”
Steele Anderson
Deputy Principal / RE Leader