
On Thursday, five of our students joined a bus load of Wangaratta Tech School ambassadors who travelled to Whittlesea Tech School to explore their facilities.
During the day students designed then made laser etched key chain as well as coding a cobot (similar to a robot) to pick up and move a block.
Earlier this year students explore Virtual Reality thanks to the Gippsland Tech School mobile van.
WHS is excited to be part of the design phase of the new Wangaratta Tech School.
Ms Lang
Science Area Learning Leader
9E has been busy this term exploring Newton's Laws as part of the Physics program.
Their knowledge has culminated in the design and engineering of a rollercoaster demonstrating their understanding of energy transformations and forces in motion.
Amelia Harding, Lillian Wilson and Jade Todd won the people's choice award with the most votes. Their rollercoaster blew us all away with 3 loops.
An outstanding effort from every member of the class, Isaac Newton himself would be impressed!
Ms Stewart
Science Teacher / Year 9 Year Level Leader