From the Principal Team

Natalie Shanahan, Sam Fleming, Claire Johnston

And just like that we welcome you to the final newsletter for Term 3. And what a busy term it's been! Our Term 3 What Went Well list below is jam-packed with events, experiences and opportunity for our students and school community. As always, thank you for your support to make these happen, be it helping put together a dress-up day costume or joining in as a parent helper on an excursion, we often say "It takes a village..." because it sure does!


Almost there!

This term has really seen our building get close to looking like a real-life school building and this week in particular added to that feeling with the arrival of our classroom furniture. The photos below show how excitingly close we are to getting the keys, which we are assured will be happening in the first week of next term!


Lower Level Classroom
Lower Level Classroom
Going Up!
Performing Arts
Library Space
Science and Technology
Upper Level Classroom
Common Hallway
Common Hallway
Lower Level Classroom
Lower Level Classroom
Going Up!
Performing Arts
Library Space
Science and Technology
Upper Level Classroom
Common Hallway
Common Hallway


Freshen Up!

While our work on the new building will continue through the holidays, the next two weeks will also provide time for us to begin our project of freshening up our portable classrooms. Anyone in our school shooting hoops or playing footy during the holidays will see a team of painters tackling the outside of the portables, before internal walls and carpets. 


Year 6 Fish and Chip Lunch

A big thank you to the Community Engagement Committee and Rosanna Fish and Chippery for organising a special lunch for our Year 6 students. It was a real hit! 




What Went Well?

A has become tradition each term, we like to use our last newsletter as an opportunity to stop and reflect on and celebrate what we have achieved throughout the term. While this list only captures a mere portion of the all that has gone well, we need to acknowledge the hard work of the children, teachers and support staff that happens daily inside our classrooms. Here's what went well throughout Term 3...


Neighbourhood Watch:

As we head into the term break we like to ask a small favour of our school community- please help be the eyes keeping our school safe. If you are using our school for family leisure or just driving by and see something happening in the school that you don't like the look of, please contact Heidelberg Police on 9450 8000.


We hope you have a restful term break and we look forward to seeing you next term sharing the exciting things happening here at BPS!



Natalie, Sam and Claire




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