Year 5

Hello from 5G

We are almost at the end of Term 3 and the students in 5G have all become incredible illustrators and writers! During this term we have been focusing on children’s stories and what makes them popular. Our areas of focus have been; including a moral, having two interesting main characters, lots of colour, interesting yet accessible language for young children and humour. 


We have been working on these books for the past 4 weeks and they all look amazing! To celebrate 5G’s hard work, the students were able to read their books to their prep buddies. It was so lovely to see the students take pride in their work and share and inspire the youngest members of our school community!


During the last week, the students also had the opportunity to participate in a Year 5 gallery walk. During this time the Year 5’s went to each Year 5 classroom and read other books. The teachers, along with Ms Soutar, gave out ‘Year 5 Book of the Year’ awards. (Our version of the Children’s book of the year awards). It was a wonderful morning watching the students being awarded for areas such as ‘best illustrations’, ‘great moral’, ‘funniest book’ among others!


I hope 5G will keep these books for a long time, they truly are amazing!!