What's happening in our learning spaces?

FLW | Whole class Award for FLW - For being enthusiastic participants in all the learning during Term 3. Congratulations for always being respectful, curious and eager to give new learning a go. I am so proud of each one of you! Fabulous Foundation LW! |
FAP | Elena - For being a persistent learner who always tries her best throughout each day. Excellent Elena! |
FAM | Chloe - For always having a positive attitude to learning and trying your best in all that you do. Well done Chloe! |
1/2VS | Sofia - For always supporting your class members and helping others. You are a valuable member of 1/2 VS! Amazing Sofia! Violet - For showing courage when contributing and sharing your writing with your peers. You are amazing. Keep shining Violet! |
1/2VK | Gabriella - For successfully taking your time with all learning tasks. Your persistent efforts are fantastic to watch! Great job glorious Gabby. |
1/2VB | Victor - For your positive attitude towards your learning! Your dedication and hardwork is outstanding. Very impressive, Victor! Isabel - For your hard work creating your information report on stick insects. You included many interesting facts for us to learn. Impressive Isabel! |
3/4BP | Gus - For being the most considerate and caring member of our class. You ensure everyone is looked after and feeling included. Thank you Gus. |
3/4SH | Juliano - For stepping up this week and trying his hardest each day. You’re a star, keep up the great work in Term 4, Juliano! |
5/6OS | Zara - For her heart-felt inquiry project on the cardiovascular system! You didn’t just pump out facts; you kept the knowledge flowing like a well-oiled artery. Thanks for giving us a vein-tastic lesson on how the heart works and why it's such an important system in our bodies. Keep up the pulse-itively impressive work! |
5/6BZ | Nicholas - For Nicholas who bravely traversed into the descriptive realm of narrative writing. It was so engaging I couldn't stop reading! Well done Nicholas! Fernando - For being a fantastic listener and participant when playing division bingo and kahoot! Fantastic learning Fernando! |
5/6MC | Zac - For consistently being a stand out student, following class expectations and taking on learning opportunities to a high standard. Your humour and endless questions are always welcome in MC. Well done Zac! |
Maths | Jeevan - for being the most supportive team member on our games day. You were so encouraging to all throughout the day. Well done Jeevan, a lovely trait to have. |