Learning News 2/3

Mrs Ruth Anderson and Mrs Justine Harris

Years 2/3 

Years 2/3 have been writing information texts. Topics have included famous people, animals, planets, and free choice. Students need to remember to use the correct format with a title and sub- headings. It has been pleasing to hear the conversations with each other about the fascinating facts they have been learning. Examples below:


Years 1/2 Maths

Students have continued to work hard on division sharing objects in groups equally. Some tricky questions have been uncovered when there are some objects leftover and not enough to make another equal group. Then we tried a difficult word problem: Susie needs 58 balloons. They come in packets of 24. How many packets does she need to buy?

At first glance, students said 2 packets with 10 leftover.

I said hang on a minute. What is 24 + 24? Answer given 48. Well.. 

Oh we don't have 10 leftover, we need 10 more!

So how many packets does she need?

Answer: 3.

How many does she have left over? 14 

24 + 24 + 24 = 72

72 - 58 = 14

Great problem solving!


Years K - 3 Religion

Students have been learning about forgiveness. We have read the parable where Jesus talks to Simon Peter about forgiveness, discussed some examples and then presented skits to the class demonstrating how to forgive someone. We have been very impressed with some of the students who displayed such maturity in presenting their skit and how they spoke to the person ‘doing the wrong thing’. Shout out to some of the best: Walter, Hadley, Hudson C, Lavana, Hudson B, Aahana, and Stella.


Years K - 3 Dance

Most to nearly all of the students in K-3 have been enjoying the dance even when the dance captain is in drill sergeant mode. They have been practising their heart out and now just need to remember to smile, they look fantastic and we hope you can come along to watch them.


Keep reading at home and practise times tables when either travelling in the car or cooking dinner together.