Wellbeing Update
Message from The Wellbeing Hub #2
As we move into the holiday period, we wanted to make you aware of the supports that are available to your young person when they are not at school. Changes to routine can be hard and your young person may experience times when they feel a range of challenging emotions such as sadness, stress, or lonely.
During the holidays we encourage you to check in/yarn with your young person. It can be helpful to let them know that you are available to speak with them if they ever need. You may also like to encourage them to stay connected with friends and family, look after their physical health and engage in the activities that they enjoy.
If you notice that your young person may benefit from chatting with someone, we encourage you to make them aware and support them to access services. This may be engaging with your local headspace centre, GP or access online or telephone supports through eheadspace (1800 650 890) or kidshelpline (1800 55 1800). Please note that you can also call these numbers to help guide your support, alongside parentline (1300 1300 52).
GPs in State Schools Program
We are excited to share that The Gap State High School is now part of the Queensland Government's GPs in State Schools Program. This initiative provides free access to a General Practitioner (GP) for our secondary students, here on school grounds as part of our Wellbeing Hub.
Our school's participation in this program aims to make it easier for students to access the healthcare they need, whether it's for physical health, mental health, or sexual and reproductive health concerns. The program is designed to remove barriers that might otherwise prevent students from receiving timely and appropriate care.
How to Make an Appointment: We are delighted that Dr. Tania Macdonald is continuing to service our school community. Dr Macdonald's special areas of interest include (though are not limited to) women’s health, sexual health, paediatrics, fracture management and chronic medical conditions. She has extensive experience in mental health, and always has an open-door policy for any acute mental health issues. In her spare time, she enjoys distance running and adventures anywhere and everywhere with her active kids and husband.
Bookings with Dr. Macdonald can be made via the student referral form:
Parents/Carers are also able to contact Wellbeing Hub #2 for further assistance.
Confidentiality and Consent: Students can choose to see the GP alone or with a parent/carer. If deemed a "mature minor" by the GP, they can consent to their own medical treatment. For those under 15 or listed on their parents' Medicare card, some information may be accessible to parents through Medicare records.
No Cost to Students: All consultations with our school GP are bulk-billed through Medicare, it is important that anyone accessing this service brings their Medicare card to the appointment.
For any further information regarding the GPs in State Schools Program please visit our school website: