Reflection & Prayer

Prayer of the week
Inspire those who lead, educate and serve in the Church, especially Pope Francis, Bishop Greg Bennet, the clergy and religious. May they know your guidance and direction. Lord, hear us.
For our school community: that we may learn from each other, and the stories of all those who walked our sacred grounds before us. Lord, hear us.
For peace in our world and for all who work for peace. Lord, hear us.
For all young people, may they accept the invitation to enter into dialogue with others in a spirit of cooperation, love, and hope. Lord, hear us.
For all those who share the story of Jesus in our school and parish. May they continue to be blessed with inspiration and creativity. Lord, hear us.
AmenPope Francis @pontifex
Step by step, stair by stair, Jesus shows us the way, as we seek to give life, bring joy, stay away from all negativity and pettiness, respond to the negative with good, and draw close to those who suffer.