Sports News

Hi all


Last week, 14 St Louis students ran at the Kingston Division Cross Country at Karkarook Park.  In very quick races, we managed to get three students finish in the top 10 and therefore qualifying for the South Metro event.  Congratulations to Pat H, Lucy G and Tommy Mc.  Lachlan M finished in the dreaded 11th position and is awaiting an injury and a unlikely call up.  Thank you to all of the families for getting the students to and from the event.


In P.E. our junior students have been belting balls around the hall and tennis courts with racquets, bats and hand paddles because they are learning the one handed and two handed strike.   Our Years 3 to 6s have finished their orienteering program and I was very successful in sneaking in a whole lot of mathematics without their knowledge.  Next week we will be starting a tennis program.


The Winter Interschool Sports Lightning Premiership will be held on Friday 14th June.  they will be played at the following venues:

  • AFL at Bonbeach Reserve.  Cannes Ave. Bonbeach
  • Netball at Dandenong DNA.  Bennett St Dandenong. 
  • Soccer at Aspendale Gardens Sports Grounds
  • T-ball at the Bonbeach Baseball Club.  Bicentennial Park, Chelsea

The Year 6s are very excited about the day as they get to compete against other school s in the hope of going through to the division level.  


Yours in Sport

Dean Andrew

Sports Cooridnator