Principal's News 

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.

Good afternoon families,


This week we have been celebrating Reconciliation Week in all classrooms. We will be continuing with Reconciliation theme on Wednesday 5 June with the Little Long Walk. The whole school will go for a walk around our local streets to highlight Reconciliation Week. Our F.I.R.E carriers will lead the walk, the Major of Kingston Council and our local State Member Tim Richardson will also join the walk. This is a great opportunity to have a talk as a family around respect and the  human dignity for all and the appropriate language to use.


Thank you for all the food donations that have been sent into school over the last 2 weeks. The whole school will be going to mass on Tuesday 4 June at 9.15am to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart. At mass we will be praying for those who less than we do and will find this winter very challenging. Parents are welcome to join us.


On Wednesday 5 June we have 2 groups of Year 5 students selling home cooked cupcakes and cookies out of the tuckshop. One group is raising money for the Big Freeze and the other group is raising money for the Dolly Foundation. They are asking all students ( except Year 4 as they are on an excursion) to bring $1 to purchase one of the treats. Please support the year 5 students in their social justice initiatives. 


School Closure - Friday 7 June & Monday 10 June.

 Friday 7 June is a student free day. The staff are spending the day working through the MACS position paper - Vision for Instruction. We will be looking at explicit instructions in the of teaching reading, writing and maths. This is the strategic plan for all MACS schools until 2030. 


Monday 10 June is a public holiday for the King's Birthday.


I hope you all have a good week and the first week of winter is kind to all of us.


Carmel Stutterd