
Physical Education, The Arts, STEAM, French


Engineering, technology skills, collaboration has been evident as the grades 3s and 4s continue to develop and create their arcade games.



  • Prep/1: The students have now learnt four 'goodbye' words. They are practising their vocabulary (Hello and Goodbye) with a memo game:
  • Grade 2: The students had fun playing Bingo last week. They are becoming more and more familiar with their list of transportation words:
  • Grades 3/4: The students have started learning a French song for assembly. It is too early to show you the rehearsals but here is a video of the song called, 'Vois sur ton chemin' (See on your path):
  • Grades 5/6 girls: What a beautiful performance we had at assembly on Monday! Thank you to Ms Campbell for editing the video ... it looks fabulous! Congratulations to everyone.