Grade 5 News

Important Reminders
Tuesday, June 25th: Celebration Morning
Thursday, June 27th: Senior Hoop Time
Friday, June 28th: Last Day Term 2 - 2.30 pm Finish
The homework week runs from Monday to Monday. During this time, students are required to:
* Read 4 nights and record their reading in their diary.
*Complete activities in Mathletics that equal, at least, 750 points.
Please see your child's teacher if you have any homework questions.
Learning in Action
We are now in the full swing of our Persuasive unit. By utilising mentor texts, we have continued to identify how authors make their arguments more persuasive. Students were exposed to the benefits of including reported speech and quoted speech, as well as using quantitative and qualitative images. Quantitative images are images of data, like a bar graph, pie graph, or Venn diagram. Qualitative images are pictures or photos that will appeal to the author's emotions. Example:
Topic: Everyone should have a pet
Students are continuing to work on their persuasive writing pieces. They have been busy ensuring they have included a topic sentence, their arguments, and a variety of persuasive devices. They are in the final stages of editing their work in preparation for publishing. The Grade 5s have chosen some very interesting topics like, Weekends should be 3 days long and A Day at the beach is better than a day in the mountains.
Preview for Learning:
We will be exposed to different styles of persuasive texts, like a letter to the editor and advertisements. We will be investigating what persuasive devices are being used and will reflect on whether we have been persuaded too.
Now that we have been exposed to many strategies for solving division problems, we are going to use our preferred strategy to solve real-life problems. For example: 234 students are travelling to camp. Each bus can hold 57 students. How many buses are required? We also applied our knowledge to solve puzzles and play games that involved division.
We have continued working on the Volume, Capacity, and Mass unit. Using scales, we weighed different objects and ordered them from heaviest to lightest. We also discussed the units of measurement used for measuring weight, grams, and kilograms, and practised converting from one to the other.
Preview for Learning:
We will be looking at the inverse relationship between multiplication and division and developing our knowledge of mass.
Students have been working with partners to investigate their natural disasters. They have organised their facts to construct engaging information reports on their topics. Grade 5 students have learnt many new facts on their topics. Some are:
The deadliest tsunami was in 2004 in Asia. - Mattie
A tornado destroys everything in its path. - Tom
There are 5 levels of cyclones, where 5 is the worst - Khaleesi
When the land is dry, bushfires will travel even faster. - Georgia S
Preview for Learning:
Students will be completing the final touches on their projects in readiness for Open Morning in Week 10. They will have completed an information report and a visual representation of their natural disaster.
Other Information
Hands-on Science Incursion
What a fun session the Grade 5 students had last Thursday! The facilitator, Alex, taught us about what caused different natural disasters, like volcanic eruptions, cyclones, and landslides. Then we got to see how the natural disaster occurred by partaking in experiments. You will be able to see examples of these experiments in the photos below.
From the Grade 5 Teachers
Karin Halstead, Ebony Waldron, Chloe McElroy and Zahra Harvey
Exciting times ahead in STEM!
We are thrilled to share some exciting updates about our STEM program. As we continue to inspire and empower our students to explore the wonders of these vital fields, we are reaching out to our wonderful community for support.
Your generosity has always been instrumental in helping us provide enriching educational experiences for our students, and we are once again asking for your support to ensure the success and sustainability of our STEM initiatives.
Your support makes a significant difference to our students' learning opportunities and the success of our STEM program. Here are a few ways you can contribute:
Opportunities to help:
- Donations of Timber/Wood, appropriate for construction E.g. Billy Cart bases or other small vehicles.
- If you own or are a part of a company or business who would be willing to sponsor our engineering program?
- If you have connections with hardware stores/companies, helping us to make contact in order to obtain suitable engineering resources.
- If you have any household STEM-related materials such as; plastic bottles, milk bottle lids, masking tape, balloons, wooden skewers, plastic or paper cups, unwanted CD’s or DVD’s, Aluminium Foil please drop them off outside the STEM room.
- Construction Crew: If you're handy with tools and have some basic experience in woodwork or mechanics, we would be delighted to have your help in the upcoming terms to assist with our Grade 6 Science and Engineering program. Please email or
Thank you for your continued support,
Melissa Adams & Sophie Chamberlain
STEM Leaders
Lysterfield Primary School