Important Notices

Building Works

It was way back in Term 3 last year that the builders arrived to start the replacement of the slate roof on our heritage-listed main building.


Since that time, the school has been an ever-shifting building site with scaffolding, noise, loss of access and the occasional surprise happening on a weekly basis.


What has emerged is a main school building that looks even more beautiful. With shiny new slate and flashings, freshly painted brickwork, new insulation and, most importantly, no leaks anywhere, it is safe to say that the school hasn't looked as good since it was first finished in 1882!


I would like to thank our staff, students and community for being so understanding and accommodating of this constant level of disruption with an understanding that this short-term inconvenience was worth it for the long term outcome.


We are happy to announce that the builders will be fully offsite by the end of this week and we will fully get our school back (no more temporary fences!) and we can admire our 'new' building that is ready to survive another 142 years!


I would also like to thank the State Government and the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) for funding and managing this project and to Ascot Group, the builders, for co-ordinating such a complicated and demanding project with the minimum of fuss.

Working Bee

On Saturday we had absolutely glorious weather for our second working bee of the year.

With a long list of jobs to complete, from weeding to furniture moving to sweeping, storm-drain clearing, harvesting, fence repairs, rubbish clearing and pruning, we were so thankful to have such a large group of willing families attend to help the school out.

Our working bees are such an important way for us to keep our school looking great and working smoothly on the very limited maintenance budget provided to us by the government.


A massive thank you to everyone who made it along.


Our next working bee will be on Saturday 10th August at 9am - 1pm. Please add this to your calendars now so we can get even more jobs done next time!

Student Attitudes to School Survey

We value student voice as a means to improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction and are conducting a survey to find out what your child thinks of your school. 


The Student Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS),  is an annual student survey offered by the Department of Education and Training to assist us to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 will be asked about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer and family relationships, resilience, bullying, mental health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general. 


This year, the AtoSS will be conducted at your school over the period 3rd - 14th of June. Further details will be sent home to families of children in these year levels.

🎸Battle of the Bands 🎸 

Year 3/4 Parents & Carers Meetup and Pre-event Drinks 

Date: Thursday 30 May 2024

Time: From 7pm to ~8pm

Location: Prince of Wales Public Bar pre-drinks


This is the perfect chance to mingle, make new friends, and enjoy great conversations before heading upstairs to the Prince for an evening of live music. Don’t miss out on the fun and camaraderie!


A reminder that tickets for the event can be bought at 

Year 6 Market Day

This Friday (24th May) our Year 6 students will be holding their annual Market Day at the school.


Market Day is a project that the Year Six students work on that has four aims;

  • to develop their leadership and organisation skills
  • to learn about financial literacy and build authentic concepts of supply and demand, profit, overheads and other entrepreneurial ideas.
  • to raise money for their yearbook and graduation
  • to help the rest of the school have fun

The students will work in groups and will each run a stall or activity on the day.


Students from other year levels are invited to attend Market Day and spend small amounts of money at the various market stalls. All of the money raised will go towards funding the Year 6 Graduation at the end of the year.


On the day, the students will attend the market day at two separate times to reduce crowding and general chaos;


  • Foundation students (with their Year 5 buddies) and Year 1/2 students will attend between 11:45 - 12:45 (before Pranzo)


  • Year 3, 4 and 5 students will attend after Pranzo between 2-3pm.

Each market stall will cost a student $1 - $3. Thank you to the parent who have supported our Market day by sending in a handful of gold coins for your child to spend.

Tax-Deductible contributions to SKiPPS

SKiPPS operates two Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) funds which allow parents and community members to make tax-deductible donations.


As we approach the end of the tax year, we ask parents to bear us in mind if they are looking to receive the tax benefits that charitable donations can bring.


We have two funds - a School Building Fund (which is then used to maintain and upgrade our school buildings) and also a School Library Fund (which is used to build and maintain our school library). All donations would be gratefully received.


if you wish to donate please contact Nova, our Business Manager at To find out more about the tax benefits of donating to a DGR fund, please speak to your accountant.


Interschool Snowsport Championships

Keen for your child to ski or snowboard and represent SKIPPS this year?


Coming up at Mt Buller August 19th - 21st August is the Victorian Interschool Snowsport Championships.

There are events for children in Foundation up to Grade 6.


Entry fees apply and all costs associated with attending, including travel, accommodation, lift tickets etc will be at families’ personal expense.  This is not an organised school event and the school has no liability for any loss or injury associated with attending.


If your child is keen on snow sports and you are interested in them participating please email Hayley Morris