Hearts and Hands, Compassion and Justice


You must love your neighbour as yourself (Mark 12:31)


The annual collection for the St Vincent de Paul Society was another huge success. The generosity of all people within our community was evident with over 40 shopping bags full of food, toiletries and blankets being offered at our Hearts and Hands this week. Representatives from our local St Vincent de Paul Conference, Mr Mully Pearse and Ms Jocelyn Ingram were overwhelmed with the amount of items collected, saying these donations will go directly to people and families struggling this winter. 

My sincere thanks to all involved in the Mass. Being held first thing in the morning was a little different (and a bit colder!), however, the reverence shown by all staff and students was great.



Ration Challenge

Eleven students and three staff members will participate in the annual Act for Peace Ration Challenge. The Ration Challenge is a powerful learning experience, where students (and staff) will eat the same rations as a refugee living in an urban refugee camp in Jordan and get sponsored to do it. The money they raise will provide emergency food, healthcare and life-changing support. And by sharing their experience, students help create more empathy and compassion in society.


The challenge is run over either 3 or 5 days. We are starting the challenge in the next two weeks. Fundraising has already begun and we hope to reach our target of $1000!

Please look out for links to donate on our social media.


In the Catholic faith, June is dedicated to celebrating the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The image of the Sacred Heart is a heart pierced with a spear, surrounded by a crown of thorns, set on fire.

The spear and the crown of thorns remind us of suffering. Not just that of Jesus, but that of others, particularly the vulnerable in our community. 

The heart reminds us of the dignity of each person. Without a heart, we can’t live. Though it is a single part of the body, it is connected to the whole person. 

The fire reminds us of the flame of faith that drives us to compassion. 

It might seem unusual at first, as to why there’s so much emphasis on a singular body part. But, when we focus on the heart of Jesus, we are reminded of the human nature of God. 

When people are isolated, God’s heart breaks for them. 

When people experience joy, God delights in that joy too. 

The love of God is passionate. We should ignite that same passion to do more than the bare minimum.  For our families, our Houses and our community.  

Because of our love for others, we put our hands to work. We serve, we heal and help. 

God of all our hearts, 

your love for us is deep and abiding. 

Help us to fill our hearts with kindness, gentleness and tenderness so that we may speak warm and encouraging words 

and act with justice and compassion.

May our lives be full of generosity and service

so that we might be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. 


Jesus, Light of the world, guide us

St Joseph, journey with us

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, pray for us