Welcome to winter. The leaves are falling heavily from the trees at the moment, and this is keeping our maintenance staff very busy, but it’s a sure sign that winter is here. It is great to see our students adjusting to warmer items in our suite of uniform options. A letter has been sent home this week regarding the uniform and I encourage all parents to read this with their child/ren.


We had a wonderful week last week celebrating Reconciliation Week. Elia Ware once again arranged for three family members from the Torres Strait Islands to run sessions for our students. The sessions were a reminder and an extension of what we learned last year. It was also great that Tobias, Stella and Jensen were able to participate in several other local community events during the week. I am sure that they are all glad to be back in warmer climates now.


This week we were the recipients of a message stick, one of four that are on journeys to all of the schools within the Ballarat Diocese. The message sticks were created by local Mutthi Mutthi woman, Vicki Clark OAM and her husband. We are very lucky to have Vicki on the Diocesan of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited (DOBCEL) Board. The message sticks were created to celebrate the 150 years of the Diocese of Ballarat this year. Year 7E was lucky to be present for the Rite of Reception liturgy on Tuesday. Next week the message stick will travel on to St Mary’s Primary School in Robinvale.

Yesterday we celebrated our annual mass of Hearts and Hands. Our school community has been very generous in supporting our Vinnies Winter Appeal of non-perishable foods and warm items such as blankets. The local St Vincent de Paul chapter was very happy to receive our donations during the mass. Thanks to Alison Wright for all of her organisation.


I am very much looking forward to the long weekend and after the weekend I will be travelling to Newcastle to participate in the Association of Josephite Affiliated Secondary Schools (AJASS) Principal’s Pilgrimage. During this week away I will be visiting schools at Lochinvar and Gateshead, participating in a cultural immersion at Baiame Cave, Milbrodale and learning about the history of the Sisters of St Joseph in NSW. This pilgrimage will be a very enriching experience.


We have had a small but significant change in our Wellbeing Team recently. Jorgie Allen has been on leave completing an exciting industry placement. Sadly, Jorgie has decided to resign from her position at our school, with today being her last day with us. We wish Jorgie all the best in what I am sure will be exciting times ahead. Tylah Gibbins who was employed to cover Jorgie’s absence has been an amazing addition to our team and has accepted a permanent position at the school.


Enjoy your long weekend.