The design brief asked students to choose a classic novel and reimagine the cover design to make it appear modern. There are several strategies students could use to do this. They could use a modern typeface to express ideas and key themes and use different media that the original cover was designed with (textas, pencils, illustration, collage or mixed media). Students were also encouraged to think outside the box and modernise their characters or settings. Students were only permitted to use manual methods so it was pleasing to see students photocopying, cutting, and assembling their book covers by hand.


What I love the most about this design brief is that students are having exciting discussions about classic novels. Several students have since borrowed the book or watched the movie. 


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Jimmy Kelly
Addison Papa
Archie Alderuccio
Brydie Andrews
Georgia Martin
Hattie Merrett
Jenna Gray
Jesse Barry
Keegan Hillerman
Larni O'Brien
Lola Patterson
Mackenzie McIntyre
Makenna Hull
Matilda Patterson
Noah Pearson
Owen Uebergang
Pippa White
Will Cimino
William Turner
Zoe Brooks
Jimmy Kelly
Addison Papa
Archie Alderuccio
Brydie Andrews
Georgia Martin
Hattie Merrett
Jenna Gray
Jesse Barry
Keegan Hillerman
Larni O'Brien
Lola Patterson
Mackenzie McIntyre
Makenna Hull
Matilda Patterson
Noah Pearson
Owen Uebergang
Pippa White
Will Cimino
William Turner
Zoe Brooks