Languages Week this year came around very quickly and it was exciting to see so many students involved in activities throughout the week. Congratulations to Solomon 2, who took out the Homeroom prize. 


Monday offered some colouring of culturally relevant images in the LRC. Tuesday gave students the opportunity to practise their origami skills as Mrs Quaife led a session in the LRC. 


We are very lucky to have Chiaki Green on staff who led students through a Calligraphy lesson on Wednesday. The kanji produced by students was impressive. Biscuit decorating proved popular once again this year and our students were very creative in the language and culture focus decorations they created on Thursday. A very delicious activity indeed.

Friday held host to the staff vs student Futsal match. I want to take a moment to thank Mr Leschke and some of his English as Additional Language students who created posters supporting students in their first language. They looked fantastic displayed around the JC throughout the game, and I believe it was what got the students over the line for their 2-1 victory over the staff. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to incorporate more languages than the ones we teach here at St Mary MacKillop College. I hope it encourages our students who can speak multiple languages to be proud of their efforts and share their language and culture with us all year. 

A huge thank you to the languages team; Mrs Maria Salvo, Mrs Rianne Quaife, Mr Nathan Lane and Mrs Chiaki Green for their efforts in running and organising activities for students this week and engaging students in language year round.