GV Health Taster Day

Several lucky St Anne's College students were treated to an immersive day at GV Health this week, experiencing a variety of different Allied Health career pathways. ย 


The students worked in small groups and rotated through a variety of workshops for the GV Health Taster Day.ย 


The workshops were conducted by Allied Health professionals in Exercise Physiology, Physiotherapy, Medical Imaging, Podiatry, Dietetics, Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Hospital Pharmacy, Psychology and Social Work. They provided students with invaluable information about their fields of work.ย 


Each workshop was designed for students to get hands-on experience in each of the fields including getting to operate an x-ray machine, take blood-pressure, partake in a psychology case study and much more.


There was a buzz on the bus on the way home from the day, with students non-stop chatting about what a fantastic experience it was. A huge thank you to the staff at GV Health and the Goulburn Murray Local Learning & Employment Network (GMLLEN) for all of their hard work in making this opportunity for St Anneโ€™s College students possible.

SOP Assembly

The theme for this Term's SOP Assembly was 'Striving for Excellence'. Students watched a Denzel Washington video called 'Fall Forward'. The video is about taking risks, and not having a plan to 'fall back' on. Thomas Eddison had 1000 failed experiments, but then the 1001st experiment resulted in the light bulb!


House Captains took the stage to discuss achieving excellence within their houses.

๐˜พ๐™๐™–๐™ง๐™ก๐™š๐™จ ๐™ƒ๐™ค๐™ช๐™จ๐™š spoke of preparing for class early, wearing correct uniform, simply setting excellence for yourself to achieve and do better.

๐˜พ๐™ค๐™ค๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ง ๐™ƒ๐™ค๐™ช๐™จ๐™š suggested they speak out about injustices, commit to goals, support each other using empathy through hard times.

๐™ˆ๐™–๐™Ÿ๐™š๐™ก๐™ก๐™– ๐™ƒ๐™ค๐™ช๐™จ๐™š spoke of embracing the love we have for simple things in our lives, and how we can reflect this compassion to make someone around us recognise it too.

๐™ˆ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™จ๐™จ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž ๐™ƒ๐™ค๐™ช๐™จ๐™š spoke of independent learning, patience in a supportive environment, setting yourself up for lifelong learning and empowering others.


SOP students were captivated with guest speaker Frankie Lagana who came to share his story of success of overcoming adversity. With messaging of striving for excellence gauged from within, setting your own goals for what success looks like to you.

Frankie had a wonderful, whirlwind career in soccer with an abundance of success, before it all came to an abrupt pause with a quick onset auto-immune disease, where he needed to learn how to walk and write again. Frankie spoke of again setting goals for himself to slowly regain his bodyโ€™s senses to be able to play soccer again shortly before turning his attention to starting a business, with the intention to build a string of businesses. Frankie inspired the students with his messaging of living life with a purpose, strive to live, try things, have a positive outlook and be willing to give it a crack.

โ€˜Itโ€™s on you, your goal is achievable. Dream big. Smile. Have fun while doing it.โ€™ Frankie finished.


The assembly was finalised with the Academic Achievement Awards, General Excellence Awards and Captain Awards. To receive an Academic Achievement Award, students must maintain above 80 per cent for their assessments throughout the year. Itโ€™s wonderful to see so many students excelling in their studies and personal goals.ย 

Information Night for Year 10, 11 & 12 Subject Selections for 2025

๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐š ๐ฐ๐จ๐ง๐๐ž๐ซ๐Ÿ๐ฎ๐ฅ ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ง๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ!

On Wednesday evening St Anneโ€™s College held an information night providing an opportunity for students and parents to hear about subject offerings at St Anneโ€™s College for 2025.ย 


Our College and House Captains were present to MC and introduce the night. School of Possibilities leaders and mentors also presented on the structure of the VCE and VCE VM programs, fast-tracking subjects in Year 10 and Year 11, College activities at the senior level, careers and pathways, VET program offerings at GoTAFE and on-campus.


A member from Latrobe University was also be available for parents and students to talk to about programs and offerings. Student work from the different subject areas was on display.


There was a real buzz among families and the feedback received to date has been really positive.ย 

Mt Stirling Outdoor Education Camp

Preparations are underway for Mt Stirling Camp which will take place fromย Tuesday July 23 to Thursday July 25, 2024. The camp provides a great opportunity for Outdoor Education students to participate in both cross country and downhill skiing while using camping and camp-cooking skills.ย 


Parents and carers will be emailed regarding the requirements that must be completed ahead of the camp. Please ensure you read this email and fill out the appropriate forms. Please support your child to complete these tasks. Stay up to date with camp information via PAM and in il giornale.ย 


A non-compulsory parent/carer information session is being held on June 26 fromย 

4-4.30pm at the College for any interested parents/carers who wish to ask questions.

Year 10 Formal - CHANGE OF DATE! Theme and committee announced

The date of the Year 10 Formal has been changed to Friday 25 October at St Melโ€™s Hall, Hamilton St, Shepparton. This change is necessary due to the production being scheduled for the previous date.ย 


The theme for the 2024 Year 10 Formal is 'Secret Garden'. Students are not required to purchase their outfit in this theme but it will be featured throughout the formal decorations. As well as the theme, the Year 10 Formal Committee members were announced at the recently held SOP Assembly.ย 


Doors open at 6pm, with the formalities of the evening starting at 6.30pm and a pick up at 10pm. The evening will begin with a number of formal dances that families and invited guests can attend and watch. Families and guests will then leave and return to collect their children at the end of the evening.ย This is a ticketed event and each student will receive four tickets for family members.ย  If this presents any hardships, please contact one of the SOP leaders.

Year 10 Food Studies


That's the lesson the Year 10 Food Studies students learnt last week when they made some delicious homemade gnocchi. The students were able to compare the difference to store-bought gnocchi and the results were resounding....homemade is better than store-bought!

Congratulations to the students for creating incredibly fluffy pillows of dough.

While gnocchi looks simple to make, Italians have been mastering the craft for generations. It looks as if the students have as well with their amazing gnocchi dishes!

Year 10 Italian

๐˜๐ž๐š๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ ๐ˆ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง finished their final topic for the semester learning about caffรจ, la moka and i dolci al caffรจ with two tiramisรน making sessions.ย 

Students first put together una ricetta (recipe) in Italian using their knowledge of the traditional ingredients and components, then set to work making individual portions of tiramisรน to take home and enjoy.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable session and great way to consolidate their learning.

Year 10 Careers - Shepparton Law Courts visit

The College's Year 10 Careers classes discovered the Shepparton Law Courts today.

They were lucky enough to have a question and answer session with three Supreme Court Appeal Judges. After the judges briefed the students on their career paths and personal journeys through the justice system, students were given the opportunity to ask questions. The students asked some fantastic and probing questions of all three judges and the court staff were impressed with their engagement.

Year 12 Chemistry - Electrolysis Practicalย 

Troy's Year 12 Chemistry class recently conducted chemical experiments to demonstrate how chemicals are made, like those in used in batteries. Using copper chloride and two electrodes to pass the electricity, bubbles formed on the left side creating a copper reaction on the right, resulting in solid copper.

The students swapped polarities halfway through for interest's sake.

The experiment was also repeated using potassium iodide. When the electrodes are placed into the solution and turned on it causes the solution to break down to produce the iodine.

Year 11-12 VET Active Volunteering at St Mel's Parish

VET Active Volunteering students Toby Hyland and Vernal Mauigoa, along with Learning Support Officer Jacqui, recently visited St Mel's Parish to engage in volunteer work as part of their Certificate II in Active Volunteering.ย 


The students dedicated their time to weeding a vacant lot owned by the Parish, enhancing the church's appearance and ensuring it remains aesthetically pleasing for the community. Additionally, they cleaned up rubbish dumped in the neighbourhood.ย 


Their efforts reflect a strong commitment to eliminating litter and waste, contributing to the improvement of both the community and the environment.

End of Term

In the last week of Term 2 Year 10 students will complete work experience from Monday 24 June to Friday 28 June.ย This is a compulsory part of the Year 10 careers unit and students need to complete a placement to meet one of the requirements.ย  Students are being supported in this process by their careers practitioner. All paperwork is required at school by the end of the exam week on 14 June.ย All paperwork needs to be completed, processed and sent to the employer before any placement can occur. This is a legal requirement in Victoria for any student going out on placement so they are covered should an injury occur to and from the workplace or while at work during the day. If you have any concerns, please contact your students' careers practitioner. As we expect all Year 10 students secure a placement during this time, Year 10 classes do not run during this week. The Year 10 staff are looking forward to supporting the Year 10 students with work place visits during this week.ย 


From Monday 24 June, Year 11 and Year 12 students will move into their Unit 2 and Unit 4 subjects to commence their Semester 2 studies.ย Year 10 students will commence their second semester subjects at the start of Term 3. Year 10 students who wish to change Semester 2 electives will have two weeks to complete subject change forms after they return from their break.ย 



Is your child wearing their uniform correctly? Please see the diagram below.ย Please note that the soft shell jackets are not part of the SOP academic uniform.ย Rugby tops are not permitted as part of the academic uniform, students should wear either their knitted jumper and/or academic blazer. Long sleeved tops and leggings are not to be worn under the summer uniform as layers of warmth.ย 

Year 11 and 12 students are expected to wear academic uniform day except for on Mondays while Year 10 students have the exception of Mondays and Thursdays.ย Your support with uniform is greatly appreciated.

Uniform days:

Monday - all SOP may wear PE uniform; Year 12 students may wear their rugby jumpers.

Tuesday - all students in academic uniform with a knitted school jumper or blazer only.

Wednesday - some students may have a double PE on schedule and, if so, can wear PE.

Thursday - some students may have a double PE on schedule and, if so, can wear PE.

Friday - all students in full academic uniform with a knitted school jumper or blazer only.

Year 12 Study / VSV Study sessions

All students must be in their allocated room for these sessions and are not permitted to be seated at tables in the walk ways. ย This is required for child safety purposes and for roll marking. ย If there is any error in your timetable over the first cycle, please let Mez or Sarah know so that this can be rectified.ย  If there are any issues with this please see one of the school leaders.

Elevate Education Webinar Series

๐—˜๐—น๐—ฒ๐˜ƒ๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ฒ ๐—˜๐—ฑ๐˜‚๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป delivers high-impact workshops to our students to develop their study skills, motivation, and exam preparation.ย 


During Term 2, families are invited to join the parent/carer webinar series, where you can help support your student at home by reinforcing the skills they're learning at school!


Register for this series by clicking the link below and learn some great practical strategies to help support your child this year:




Academic Excellence

Please ensure you are up to date with your work for all your subjects. ย If you are unsure check on SIMON or speak to your teachers. ย Work hard to improve your standard of work and strive for excellence in all that you do.


This term staff will complete reports for all students and we want these reports to reflect - effort, improvement and excellence.


The theme for the SOP assembly this term will be - 'Striving for Excellence'. ย We will be looking at awarding students who show excellence in many aspects of their schooling. Stay tuned for further information in relation to the awards.


SOP staff are here to support you in all aspects of life at the college. Please see your learning mentors, PG leader or SOP leader for help when needed.


All students in the SOP are expected to remain focused in their learning spaces during all timetabled classes.ย  Students are to bring their macbooks, folders, pens, textbooks, a water bottle and anything else they require.


All students must have a lock on their lockers and this lock should be locked at all times.ย  This is essential for our Year 11 and Year 12 studentsโ€™ lockers that are accessible from the outside.ย  There have been incidents in the past where macbooks and learning materials and books have been stolen out of unlocked lockers overnight and on the weekends.ย  It is a requirement of the signed ICT agreement that students have devices stored in locked lockers.


Year 11 & 12 students who do not have a lock on their locker by the end of the day Monday, will be moved inside to a locker indoors.

Pastoral Group attendance

Students should arrive at school in time to attend pastoral group each morning commencing at 8.55am.ย  This is an important part of the day and a time for prayer and reflection.ย  Teachers are able to follow-up with students and check in on how they are doing. Daily messages are delivered to students at this time.ย  It is vital that the school completes accurate records for attendance and the roll is marked during this session.

Use of air pods and mobile phones

Students are not permitted to use air pods or mobile phones while at school.ย  These items are to be left in students lockers during the school day.ย  Parents are asked not to ring their childโ€™s mobile phone while they are at school or expect them to receive text messages.ย  If you need to get a message to your child during the school day, please contact the front office who will deliver the message on your behalf.


Your support on these matters is greatly appreciated.


Thanks for your support,ย 

ย - Mez Lia & Sarah Baglin

Great opportunity with fantastic prizes for SOP students!


Love the GV are running a Video Revolution Awards competition for 2024 open to all schools in the Goulburn Valley. You are invited to make a one minute video about a social issue that is important to you. Whether that be bullying, public speaking or even how you love living in the GV, this is your opportunity to educate locals. The competition is open to different age categories, there is also a group category.ย 


Videos will be judged by 'Shepp-famous' locals including the mayor, with fantastic prizes on offer for the winning entries. Register now using the QR code.ย 

Video submission closes 5pm, Thursday, August 1.

VCE Assessment Task Dates 2024


Subject dates for VCE assessment tasks are as accurate as possible. Please note that dates can be subject to change based on school review.

Please find the link here to the live documents with assessment dates for each subject in Unit 1 and Unit 3 in Semester 1 2024:

The VCAAย  is introducing the Student Achievement Profile - please click on the link for more information. St Anne's College will work with the VCAA through the VASS system to ensure studentsย eligible for a Student Achievement Profile will have access when this becomes available.ย 


A first look at the VCAA's new Student Achievement Profile
