Year 5 Lions Club Public Speaking

Inspiring, courageous, kind and hardworking … a common theme our talented Year 5 students spoke of when they wrote and presented their heartwarming speeches on ‘an influential person in their life’.


Shepparton Lions Club spokesperson, Patsy along with a three person judging panel, and joined by family, teachers and peers 17 Year 5 students spoke bravely and confidently.


Stories of love, hardship, adversity, compassion, loyalty and resilience had an emotional crowd hanging on every word.


Learning Mentor, Andrea and Deputy Principal, Kate spoke to the crowd beaming with pride on the confidence, strength and leadership displayed by all.

The students were each rewarded with a certificate. Congratulations to runners-up Jemma and winner Charlotte. 


Below, we share a small snippet of the speeches we enjoyed.


Avaya explained how her cousin - a special person in her life - helped her to overcome social anxiety.

Navi shared how his dad - the most important person in his life - taught him to not let yourself down, hard times are tough.

Henry told a story of how his Mum - the best Mum he could ever ask for - demonstrated kindness in sharing food with the homeless.

Lara spoke of her Dad - a proud Indigenous man - and his jokes and pranks and ability to always cheer her up and make her smile. 

Heli spoke of her former Learning Mentor Nikea and her inspiring statement "life is too short to waste time".

Charlotte shared how her Mum - Charlotte's number one supporter - taught her women are just as strong as men, being a girl stop you and women can do anything!

Eleina was inspired by her soccer coach - who is like family to her - and admired her quality traits.

Bharpur has been taught by his Dad to always finish what you start, do your best even if it is difficult and don’t keep track of the bad days.

Jemma shared her piano teacher’s inspiring resilience in performing with anxiety and described her as "one of the bravest people you'll ever meet".

Bella spoke of her cousin telling her  "the world is not here out get you, it’s here to guide you" and how she inspires Bella to be kind and care-free.

Lucy affectionally spoke of an adored family-orientated grandmother who always has time for others, especially for this event as she drove three hours to watch Lucy deliver the speech. 

Milly spoke of her inspiring Learning Mentor Melissa who was dedicated and gentle with a motto of "every child deserves a chance at a good education". 

Matilda shared a story of a kind, adventurous and family-orientated Aunty who has inspired her to be kind. 

Gianluca spoke proudly of a passionate, strong role model in his father who has shaped Gianluca into the person he is today. 

Ekamjot’s Dad - the most encouraging person in his life - has taught him to stand up for your beliefs. 

Karamveer’s beautiful mother - who always puts her kids first - is very brave and makes him happy.

Zander’s caring and dedicated Nan spoke of how she would put her life on the line for family and how he enjoys spending time with her. 

Following the speeches, the Year 1/2 students visited the Year 5 learning space where they heard from Andrea and the other students about the event. The Year 5 and 1/2 students then had discussions with each other about inspiring people in their lives.

Year 5 Learning Expo

Congratulations to the Year 5 students for displaying their incredible work as part of their inquiry topic at their Learning Expo today. Year 5 families, students from other year levels and staff enjoyed perusing the fantastic displays which all focused on how "natural disasters play a role in shaping communities".


The students showcased all manner of natural disasters from flooding, bushfires, landslides, tornados and much more! The displays utilised huge amounts of creativity to bring them to life with many having moving parts, 3D creations, scripted news videos and much more.

Year 5 Inquiry Learning

The Year 5 children have started their new Inquiry topic: 'how we express ourselves,' and they are looking into their big idea: 'media can persuade and influence opinions'.  We were lucky to have Anthony Murphy from Attention Media come and speak to us all about his job creating content, managing social media and creating digital marketing campaigns. Anthony spoke about the many techniques he uses to captivate and engage target audiences. The Year 5 children were very engaged and asked many great questions. After the incursion, the children had a go at creating their own mini advertising campaigns.

Year 7 and 8 - Clay Pot Cottages

This term, students in Years 7 and 8 have been highly engaged with the planning and construction of their cottage design. Students have come up with a myriad of creative ideas to put into practice.


They have learnt to build a cottage using the slab technique and joining techniques such as the scoring, using slip and the use of coils to fill in gaps and cracks. Students have also learnt how to add texture to the outside of their cottage to give a realistic aesthetic.

Some students have also gone above and beyond and created furniture inside their cottage.


The cottages, after completion, will require a few weeks of drying time, and then a bisque fire, following a glaze firing. We are looking forward to seeing the results.


Year 9 Market Day

The Year 9 Market Day was such a great success and we captured so many amazing moments that the event needed it's own dedicated page!

Visit the Year 9 Market Day page in this edition of il giornale to view a selection of images, a newspaper report and a video from the event. 

Great opportunity with fantastic prizes for SOI students!

Love the GV are running a Video Revolution Awards competition for 2024 open to all schools in the Goulburn Valley. You are invited to make a one minute video about a social issue that is important to you. Whether that be bullying, public speaking or even how you love living in the GV, this is your opportunity to educate locals. The competition is open to different age categories, there is also a group category.  Videos will be judged by 'Shepp-famous' locals including the mayor, with fantastic prizes on offer for the winning entries. Register now using the QR code. Submissions closes 5pm, Thursday, August 1.

Class Resources

Our iPads! Please ensure any damage is reported to Pastoral Group Leaders and IT staff to ensure it can be rectified as soon as possible. iPads must be fully charged each day and it is encouraged that we adopt good habits to assist us with this. 

Important Pastoral Group Information

At St. Anne’s College, all students within the School of Innovation are allocated to a Pastoral Group. These groups are overseen by a Pastoral Group Leader and currently comprise students from their respective houses: Montessori, Charles, Cooper, and Majella houses.


Each morning, students commence their day within their Pastoral Groups. This time involves participation in morning prayer, a welcome to country, and updates about the day's news and events at the College. This period holds significance in allowing our students to establish strong connections with their peers and their Pastoral Leader. Consequently, our students are able to cultivate a strong sense of community at St. Anne’s College.


Our Pastoral Leaders also seize this opportunity to implement the three core principles of Gratitude, Empathy, and Mindfulness (GEM), which stem from our school-wide program conducted by the Resilience Project. These principles encourage our students to contemplate and recognise the positive facets of their day-to-day experiences both at the College and at home. This practice ensures that our students embark on each day well-prepared for successful learning and meaningful connections with others.


Given that this session only spans 10 minutes each morning, it is imperative that students are punctual and actively participate within their designated Pastoral Groups. If students miss this period or arrive late, they will forfeit this crucial initiation to the school day.


We extend our gratitude to all parents and caregivers for your sustained support in ensuring that this routine is upheld for the continued success of our students.

Important Uniform Information

A reminder that all School of Innovation students are required to wear their academic uniform items each day, except for sports days or other nominated days when their sports uniform items can be worn. Please ensure your student is in their full academic uniform. If this is not possible on a particular day, please send a note, including the date your student will be able to be in full school uniform.


A dress code, in particular a uniform, provides a visual connection to identify students as members of St Anne’s College community. The way a uniform is worn makes a statement about our college and it represents the fact that the student is a part of the community.  The benefits of a school uniform include:


• Allows all students to feel equal

• Helps prevent bullying and competition on the basis of clothing

• Ensures students appearance reflects the expectations of St Anne’s College

• Enhances the profile and identity of the College and its students in the wider community

• Strengthens the spirit of community within St Anne’s College

• Enhances individual student safety and group security

• Ensured all students are dressed safely and appropriately for school activities

• Encourages students to develop pride in their appearance

• Prepares students for the expectations in workplaces

• Encourages students to present themselves appropriately for a particular role


Thank you for your support.